@John Krewson: Damn genes...
@John Krewson: Damn genes...
@Gaucho85: Well.. I'm guessing part 2 of this show is still to come.
@Unspellable: Variable amounts of win?
@Graviton1066: Well, there goes my dream...
@Darksider1972: May I suggest Arecibo skate arena instead?
@Fauxcused: Oh they're fine now, God rest their souls...
I'll take the russian over this rental anytime.
@Alejandro Barrios: Not American, not resident. And while I can see your point, I can't fully agree.
@Ghastly: I was merely agreeing with your point.
@Ghastly: In many cases the EMT personnel undergoes a crash course in the basics of first aid, and they are thrown in action.
@Roberto G. could care less: You don't say much but you get your point across.
@CanuckJacq: Not sure about the outcome of that.
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: You know.. I wonder, do Ninja-Bunnies need to disguise themselves?
@edixoo: Animal kingdom seems to be full of such examples. Wolves for instance.. only the alpha male and female get to mate, ensuring that the pack, and their efforts to raise the cubs get the best possible outcome.
@icelight: Huh, I'm with you on that, but really, look at us today, we're the result of such an accident, aren't we?
@darkboy1200: Oh yeah..
@unruly: Whatever the media stunt they are pulling, probably they figured that a sold Kinect is still a sold Kinect, regardless of it's use.
@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Behold, Black Friday, the z̶o̶m̶b̶i̶e̶ shopping apocalypse.
@darkly: "I'll make millions I tells ya! Millions! It's truly magical"