@Hellkeeper: Because you're not sharing! That's why!
@Hellkeeper: Because you're not sharing! That's why!
@NorthernRoamer: My bet is on a few guys up there that would probably take a peek into whatever debris they find, and if it's an old military satellite junk, the better..
@cdwalker: Being perfectly happy even without one?
@Franzouse: Not racist, but perhaps the times have changed too much for that to work anymore...
@Novaload: Allergic reaction?
@F1_nothing_else_matters: 458 Italia? Dude, you might just be "the guy calling the Fire Department"...
@corporateoppressor: Well.. it seems Jeep has drifted to the SUV side.. with "some" offroading capabilities..
@Vavon: Heh, the eclipse issue..
@dal20402: *cough* not a diesel *cough*
If I were to blow this out of proportion, I 'd say the US of A is slowly but surely turning into a nice Guantanamo.
@stereobot: Is that.. bad? I mean, I like the guy, not my favorite actor, but it's him vs. Jake, when I look at Gyllenhaal it's like the sands of time allover again...
@jacobestes: Aww.. such a pity..
@ctaylor: Can we? I mean get Denzel instead of Jake?
@DrSpaceboots: Too few programmable keys for so many commands. Just my 2 cents.
@Sloth: That sounds.. just like the headline. Dirty.
Link: gizmodo.com/5694301/an-elegant-solution-to-an-unserious-drinking-problem
@Lindsay Funke: That's more like a chain gun, not a shot..
Porschini Boxelago. S.
@oyumurtaci: Only with the 220V adapter.
@JDragon: Probably has some valves fitted to the steam ducts..