
We see that you prefer a larger 'caboose', my illiterate Friend. Yo.


Boo Freaking Hoo.

And now for something completely different; the Pythons are mounting a 'Remnants' series of Final Shows, in England. How old are they? We shall see, Little Ones. We shall soon see.

Watts did 'Mulholland Drive', and then fell off a cliff. She's still waiting for that Kong rescue. Or,
rabbits, or something.

I thought this was about Annie Clark. Annie Clark should sue. On what basis, I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. "CrU-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo….; Da-da-da, da-da-duh."

"Badbladder"? Never heard of it.

This show is a mess; it doesn't know WHAT it wants to be.

Whose hobbies include sitting quietly,
and Diabetes.

Chang is the kiss of death. Dump that lump if you want to live.

This one. And Rita Wilson. And Julia Roberts. And
Sarah Jessica Dogpound … they must, MUST be blackmailing someone. And Stockard 'what surgery?' Channing.

I kept my eyes on that couch. it was 50-50 Malvo wasn't dead. But he was. I have no idea what the
characters in the foreground said. I half-expected
to see movement; and more shocking violence.

The mentioned tension-building was greatly aided by the music and cinematography, which subtly, and smartly, resurrects faint memories of David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick Films. Lorne Malvo is almost a Jack Nicholson character, but Billy Bob is perfectly tuned to it. I watched the first third of this episode twice,

We have now officially had enough of 'Tiny Tim' and 'Miss Vicky'.

So, this is the new Standard of Excellence:
"The Soulless Gaze". Good Luck with that.

SNL is cooked; America has moved on, but Saturday Night Live has not. Lorne Michaels is just throwing shit at the wall to see if any of it sticks: this is how desperate former Main Media has now become. Whether SNL continues to be broadcast, or not, it is done. Even Kate McKinnon cannot save it, and the 'old folks at

She has 'ascended the throne'. That means all the wrong people are whispering total bullshit
into her ears, 24/7. Her output has been locked
into permanent eccentricity, and she has bought
into that whole bag of crap. 'Indie'? 'Hardly'.

You folks need to get out, more. The vast majority of Americans have no idea who she is, and they couldn't care less.

"I-yearn": there 'ya go. English is nice.

"Jane Krakowski, everyone’s favorite Jenna Maroney": are you nuts? She is the reason that Show tanked.