
Gently: this guy is lacking in stability: Metallica? I don't think so. Perhaps
the 1910 Fruit Gum Company and Fabian Forte. He's rather creepy, too.

The Fat Man takes his own life; pathetic little Loser.

Waiting for that all-important, richly deserved and badly needed "kill-shot", please.

With no one left to disagree, it's also 'Sir Paul' able to indulge his favourite
pastime: re-writing History. Well, I'M still here, and 'Lord Paul' is full of shit.

Except where George Harrison, or John Lennon, actually played the bass: e.g.,

The "twist at the end", here, is that 'NerdInTheBasement' actually IS a
Nerd In The Basement! He's also a Turd In the Casement, but that's in
the Sequel. Strangely, I agree with him, even unto the minutest detail.

It's just you; my marrow's fine.

One looks like Shania Twain. One doesn't. So, Yes. You are fully alone.

Jennifer Aniston's first featured TV role (?) was as a Candy-striper to Bakula's
legless Vietnam Vet. She seemed to wear a padded bra, for some reason, but
she was actually quite charming.

I ripped-off his music, too. I like to. It's fun.

God does.

Tavis Smiley has an interview with Mr. Stills in which the latter croaks unintelligibly
throughout the entire Show, and seems to be Brain Damaged, as well. Mr. Smiley
remains polite, but his Guest is a total Burn-out. Probably caught something from
one of "the ones that he was with". Judy Collins made the right

Even Amy Adams can do nothing with this. It's 99% CGI, and 100% crap.

Because the real Superman was a drunken pedophile who drowned in his own super-vomit. Everybody knows that.

I thought it said 'Jerry Lewis', which would have been better.

Assuming we'll accept Sean Hayes as one of the "good ones", like Nathan Lane, is a recipe
for the complete demise of the American Network TV System. We have already, categorically,
rejected their attempt to force homosexuality upon us as "normal", and yet they STILL don't
get it. All their Gay Shows crashed and

Yeah, that's why its dead.

Nice, and apt, 'Poochie' reference. Hey, Kids!!…Poochie's DEAD!

Nice, and apt, 'Poochie' reference. Hey, Kids!!…Poochie's DEAD!

The Community actors could just barely hold character. The dialogue was stilted, their inter-action non-existent and I didn't laugh once. Jerking this Show around, repeatedly, has done
some very real, and visible, damage: the actors don't care anymore. They want to, but they
cannot. 'Annie', in particular, was vacant