Chilean Juke Lover

I’d like to sincerely thank you for reminding me that I’m not the worst writer in the world by drawing attention to this absurd New York Post review, which is no doubt the most idiotic piece of writing I’ve read in ages.

Your mistake was doing something for the greater good.

In your defense, you still have your van.

I assumed they pulled the video from the cars, but apparently this guy was so oblivious an idiot that he posted it online.

Chadwick, Tunnel Traffic, Corvettes, Father/Son, Instagram....this is peak NJ.  I’m guessing the mom is the second from the left?

I was actually really pleased with how a lot of it was written to make the attacks of hypermasculinity clearly unhinged and wild- I thought Mollie was always a good foil for Shelby and Miles bullshit, clearly and repeatedly treating them like children after a tantrum. Her rant in the car was an especially good example

Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

You’re seriously arguing there’s nothing unfair about not re-attaching the tires to a car before giving it back to the customer? That is really your position here?

Dodge is trying to figure out how to put that in a Challenger. Stretch that platform another 50 years.

Wife: They’re having a 2-for-1 happy hour special at... 

Anyways, while there should be an option to remove it from the factory, I don’t predict it taking very long for the aftermarket to sort out.”

I swear I read somewhere it’s optional on the 90. I hope it is, as it’s the only bit of the Defender I don’t quite get in design. Although if/when I actually am in the position to buy one, I would spec it with the ladder and side stuff. It’s a Defender, it is meant to have all the off-road stuff on it. A 90 in green

Oh right, computers have been invented. 

It was a tiny oopsie. Here’s the actual icon that’s supposed to be there: 🎰


Madden kinda suffers from a similar thing. People found that the banners on the club-level areas of the stadiums read “Madden 19" instead of “Madden 20.”

Guess they where too busy working on the slot machine surprise mechanic to bother with the icon.....

...And there are still pinheads all over the internets horking up multiple variations of Yes, the halo may have saved the drivers life, but I am still against it. Open wheel means open cockpit, NO EXCEPTIONS

What the fuck is wrong with people?