Childblogger Libby Watson

I know I prefer to take my messages from people who outed a gay man for working for a rival, posted revenge porn against someone’s consent, said that a 5 year-old’s sex tape was news, and employed numerous people accused of sexual assault and harassment!

Also because she always takes the troll bait. 

I’m sure the Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electoral College will be passed any day now. I’m holding my breath. 

Not to mention it ignores all the legislation that Senate Dems prevented from passing in the first 2 years of Trump’s Administration...

So popular vote for the president and no Congress to legislate? Just do what the President wants?

Seriously. If someone wants to stand up there and talk for hours on end to prevent a vote, go for it. 

The Senate was designed to be a check against the more populist House. Imagine if the first two years of Trump’s term there was no Senate. Or no filibuster in the Senate.

Definitely agree we should get rid of the Senate and go to a single chamber system with a House of populist representatives easily gerrymandered!