
Thank you. That’s why I kind of want to go. I wouldn’t go just for a routine check-up, but since I started having pain I’m afraid if I neglect it I could end up with an abscess. I think I will even skip the cleaning of any sort (I’m super vigilant about brushing and flossing and even have a scaler I use.) Radiation to

So anybody been to a dentist yet?

Is this kind of tantrum that makes me shake my head so hard when his supporters call him “tough” and “strong.”

Not sure if this gif is being used just because it’s a great one, or if it’s because it was announced that Cain has tested positive for COVID after attending the rally.

He said he took hydrochloroquine and now feels perfectly fine.  Expect trump to start pushing that again.

Trump was a noted germophobe before he was elected President

Every doctor who has written about treating COVID patients all say the same thing - “this is like nothing we’ve seen before.” It behaves strangely, unpredictably, and attacks multiple organs. This is not the goddamn flu, people! Wear your fucking mask.

So did she become infected at that maskless Hamptons party, or was she already infected and spread it to others there??  

You know you’re a dog lover when.....

Or....she may stick around for his 2024 run.....oh god I don’t even want to think about that.

Her digestive system is definitely not working at 100% capacity because she is just full of shit.  

I didn’t realize until a few weeks into the pandemic and mask-wearing why I felt more relaxed walking around, despite the anxiety of possible COVID-carrying people around. And it was that I no longer had to worry about people telling me to smile, or asking why I looked so glum! I have a natural extreme “resting bitch

Won’t that just look like you’re picking your nose?

So who’s the shithole country now, trump?

You are right, they should have fought the court battles even though it would have taken longer. In hindsight though, it probably would have stretched out into the COVID pandemic and either have been tabled until who knows when, and trump would blame all of his failings in the response on the distraction they caused.

Will he fire Parscale?

Thank you.  I am sorry for your loss.   Only 12 years, that’s rough.  

You are a nice person.

My dad was the kind of guy who could strike up a conversation with anyone. He also never held a grudge. He knew how to get things done, but always with pleasantness. If you needed to get a refund at a store for which there was a no-refund-no-exceptions-ever policy, you called my dad. He never raised his voice, never

I forget what shitty movie I was watching recently but the guy (a British actor) had the worst Middle-American flat accent. He was really trying but it just wasn’t sticking. And I think it was a role where the character could have just been British with no comment. I have Knives Out on my queue so now I’m curious