Rihanna looks amazing as always and I love the bob. But her legs are reminding me of this:
Rihanna looks amazing as always and I love the bob. But her legs are reminding me of this:
I’m assuming that O’Malley (RIP) is Cyrus in this remake?
Bring it. I volunteered for my Army service, as part of my civic duty. I enjoy more freedoms as an American woman than women do in so many other countries—it’s only fair I be willing to sacrifice for it. Women are every bit as mentally tough as men.
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
Italian punk clubs: All of the above + the toilet is a hole in the ground and you have to ask for paper
Star Wars zips and zaps into theaters this weekend, and I was lucky enough to see it last night with a hugely…
And after the NIC was done excusing itself for the shit behavior of its members, it wrote a whitepaper to support the Chicago Police Department, as its problems are also often caused by some of its members inability to self-govern and adhere to basic membership expectations.
Normalizing sexual violence happens on TV every day. It IS fucked up. What I do in my own bedroom is not that. And yeah, in my bedroom I'm prioritizing my orgasms. Because that's what sex is for for me - MY pleasure. And unless you're my sexual partner, you don't have any skin in this game.
I think the problem is that you personalize other people’s fantasies. You say they are being turned on by what happened to you, but they aren’t. What happened to you or anyone in real life is violent and awful, and you are right that there is something disgusting and vile about being aroused by a real person’s real…
But no one is getting off on your rape. When I fantasize with my loving partner about things happening to ME, that’s about me. Not you.
No, I had the rape fantasies before being raped, as well as after. I have never gone to a sex therapist asking for them to make my rape fantasies go away - I was lucky enough to not grow up with parents who sent me to reparative therapy to fix my gayness, I’m not going to start going to a therapist to fix my…
You don’t have to be interested. They exist, as do women who like, want, and ask for that. And your judgement of the men who indulge us, who have kinks, who play safely and with respect, is absolutely a judgment of us too. We don’t need other women to judge our partners as if we are too stupid or naive to know the…
Evil ninja lawyer! Fighting for her client! Wearing sexy miniskirts and being self-reliant!
“Compassionate conservative”