Chief Wiggum, P.I.

You are so right, I have heard so many bad/corny/questionable jokes at events like that. The best part is how often the person telling the joke has no idea what it means. I heard an old, respected legislator make a Tinder/Grinder joke at one of these, and while to his credit he tried to hit the punchline, he also

I blame Game of Thrones for many things

That’s why I was shocked. I heard there was a big death and assumed it would be Jenny, since Abbie should’ve been untouchable (at least for now, a death of her magnitude, just like if it were Ichabod, is a series finale death for a show like this) and Jenny would be a huge one by this show’s standards. This is one of

Thanks for reminding me I still have Jessica Jones on netflix to watch. I’ve heard it’s uneven in terms of quality (pretty common for first seasons) but I’m still really looking forward to it.

Are you sure, they are all about knowing the real you

That was the main thing I was hoping she’d be asked about, how is that not the first question asked?! Very disappointing, because she can be sharply funny. That being said, of the celebrities I’ve met through work, she is one of the only ones who I barely kept it together while meeting- twice as gorgeous in person and

I guess I didn’t feel it was as misogynistic because the guys were both so very, very flawed (I don’t know that I’d say he cared for her- was fascinated by, projected onto, sure) that I saw it less as female betrays male than AI betrays humanity, because if we are flawed so are they in awful ways, so are they by our

I enjoyed your brief debate because that was the discussion that broke out when I saw it with my wife and sister in law. I think it’s a good movie because sci-fi often works on multiple levels. I think it does a good job of furthering the classical themes of “that which we create being what destroys/discards us” while

Here’s a joke: When a Jewish atheist heard that the best school in town happened to be Catholic, he enrolled his son. Things were going very well until one day the boy came home and said he had just learned all about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The father, barely able to control his rage, seized his son

Yes in the Torah G-d is a key player, I’m not denying my faith’s belief in G-d. But all questions are for asking, this isn’t the age of Spinoza getting excommunicated, in fact many of us think he’s one of our all-time greats.

People who are learned have been interpreting and discussing and debating as long as we’ve been around. Different beliefs are based on different interpretations. So to answer your original question the difference between “it can mean different things to different people because there are multiple interpretations” and

Sheet jokes need to be retired when one passes Bar/Bat Mitzvah age. No pants to shul? Why not? That’s weird, almost like wearing leather during High H...oh I see that too...oh. Also, go Flushing! I have family from around there

Starred for a good story and a great name.

Interpretation has been done by scholars as long as there has been Judaism and is about the true meaning behind rules, laws and ideas.

Knowledge and questioning, sounds right. And thank you for your kind words, I have always loved the fact that we have ancient teachings and traditions, but our oldest tradition is questioning those teachings! That was why my wife fell in love with it, she came from a hellfire and brimstone church that told you not to

It absolutely varies, I agree, and I know you are right about the handshaking because many believe that you don’t decline one because that would embarrass a person which is wrong. I’ve also known some who will for professional reasons; a Rabbi told me that it’s alright in a professional setting because they view her

That’s such a wonderful story. I still remember when I was a little kid and heard about the Orthodox, including men never touching women and the weird rumors (like the...the sheet nonsense, I think a lot of us heard that) and my older cousin is Orthodox so when we visited him in NY I was loaded with questions. We were

She was ecstatic and gave a sermon where she talked about how grateful she was and she said the lunch after was as supportive as she could imagine. Their synagogue Sisterhood threw an engagement party for them. So yes, despite the initial disappointment she knows how lucky she is.

I’m west coast conservative (which is ironic given it’s such a liberal group) and even that may work for you should you ever need a Plan B. I appreciate you saying that, I had a point where I studied different faiths to really figure what was right for me and (after my brief JewBu phase) I determined for me it was