Chief Wiggum, P.I.

I get church folk standing together, and he wants to say he is “church man” with no deviation, but fuck, how do you stand with that family (I’m also looking at you, TLC). The church was so complicit in this you think he’d just distance himself, but no, Republicans like to double down on the worst things

Ethics in journalism about harassment and swatting

So I just called an office meeting, everyone assumed it was a quickie status update, it was this video (my leadership style includes making expectations expressly clear, being hands on while still giving them room to prove themselves, and the showing of random video clips masquerading as staff meetings). So thank you

It never ceases to amaze me how people can try to “stand up to something” and “prove them wrong” by acting in the exact way they are being accused of. “Women are claiming we harass them, I’ll show them through, oh I know, a campaign of harassment. That’ll prove my point, I’m a freakin genius!”

It is so funny you said that, I was testifying in a legislative hearing and I thought I flubbed an answer and didn’t understand why back at the office people were happy until I watched a recording of the hearing. Many of us are our own worst critic. And then some of us are our own worst blind supporter, because like

Someone always does, it’s like they don’t know that if you are a Republican that Springsteen will not let you use his music. He needs to stick to his wheelhouse, Ted Nugent, Meatloaf, there is a band called skrewdriver that would fit Trump’s message quite well. Ted Cruz of course should go with Rush, because Neil

For some reason to me, using a beautiful work like “Hey Jude” is among the things Trump has done that offends me most

I give you full credit for this, and am assigning you to music defender. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to defend musicians from pandering politicians. Here’s a couple tips for you, Trump will likely use “Born in the USA” at some point, to mock Ted Cruz, and if the Republicans choose a female Veep

I like Matthews, and I don’t agree that he just repeats the same talking points over and over, in fact sometimes it’s the opposite because he is very stream of consciousness and will just go in whatever direction he wants. Yes he’ll talk over guests, and of course you are right about the teleprompter and the names,

Keep your eyes on your own paper! Yeah we have largely the same list, but part of me worries she would play it safe with Warner from Virginia or Casey from Pennsylvania. Both critical states (Virginia is always a fight) and both are white men who can go to older white crowds, particularly rural and industrial ones,

But O’Malley would bring nothing as a Veep candidate, geographically or demographically

I think her wonkishness is so appealing because it is combined with seriousness of purpose (she obviously believes in the obligation of journalists) and an enthusiasm for politics that is so endearing. That’s why I really enjoy the odd couple of Maddow and Matthews. Similar politics with different approaches, and they

What I don’t understand is what O’Malley is even angling for. He doesn’t have a shot at the Veep slot because he brings nothing demographically/geographically. Which makes me think cabinet level, but he hasn’t latched on to an issue enough to say he’s a natural fit to any particular seat

I think that Rachel Maddow made wonks think they could all do tv, because she is so wonderfully wonkish. But Hayes, Ezra Klein is the same to me, he has good moments but mayber can’t handle a whole show. Harris-Perry I think has some really interesting perspectives but is still figuring out hosting. But I like them

I also think she didn’t want debates at first because frontrunners don’t want debates, that is classic strategy, and she was very much the front runner. That isn’t a knock on her, it’s what just about all frontrunners do. Now the margin has shrunk so much, and as you said she does so well in the debates that she knows

HOLY CRAP!! YES!! I was at my child’s karate class after the Democratic debate and I was looking at my phone (because what should I be doing, watching my child do katate?) and saw a picture of the three of them standing together at the end and looked up at the karate torso, and then down at my phone, and then back to

With all due respect, everyone knows he would arrive via Amtrak

Todd is so disappointing. I grew up watching Tim Russert on Meet the Press and when he first introduced Chuck Todd I thought he was great in the limited way he was used, breaking down data and other statistical information. But he can’t carry a program; it goes to show you a lot of people are good as guests but can’t