Chief Wiggum, P.I.

I feel bad because I think the gaffes and laughable moments, and the fact that he’s one of the few politicians who seems to be able to genuinely laugh at themselves (many look like they’re making a mental list of all those who laughed at them or just counting the seconds until they can move on) has obscured how great

Is it too late to cast her as Wonder Woman?

I don’t think the point was about pandering to the GOP as much as it was about deflating one of their talking points. They love to say we have gotten weaker under President Obama (because Trump would totally just wrestle Putin to the ground and sit on his chest giving him noogies until he said uncle! Diplomacy!) so

With his poor record on gun control, which some of us think is an important issue right now

It’s politics, there are no perfect options

No but it can give you an idea of their issue priorities. She was one of the original co-sponsors of the Prevention First Act, she has strenthened SCHIP, has fought for veterans, she was very active regarding Paycheck Fairness and especially the Lilly Ledbetter bill

For the working poor, as first lady there was health care advocacy, including successfully getting the SCHIP program launched, as senator she was active in benefits for veterans, she co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, the Homeowner Protection and Wall Street Accountability Act, I really

I have supported his campaign but am fully prepared to support Clinton when she inevitably gets the nomination

Well she’s been pushing them since before Warren, who I am a supporter of, was in office, so not really. And I am a fan of Bernie, but the same way that Hilary Clinton has a poor Wall Street record as a result of being a NY Senator Bernie Sanders gun control record isn’t anything to be proud of, which he says is a

I’ll start with the ones that lessen student loan burdens, help the working poor, support Planned Parenthood and other vital organizations, increase regulations where needed, and that’s just to start. Wow, that was easy

I really thought he and Kimiko were going to make it

Only if you promise to clean him after feedings and change his diaper

I’m thinking that becomes the next Weekend at Bernies!

So much of it belonging to James Caan

That scene where he’s trying to pinpoint the perfect time to die, and almost confesses about Jane, that is some top-quality Cranston right there

Wow, people knock that episode? It was great. Isn’t that the one where he considers when the best time would have been for him to die?

*throws scarf over shoulder and rides away on gluten-free unicycle

It was to keep Mad Men going, after the contract re-negotiations for Weiner and some of the cast

For me the in-season one that pissed me off most was Princess Shareen (likely misspelling), because after that with the Boltons on one side and Stannis on the other, I was actually rooting for the Walkers to just run over both. And you are right that there are myriad examples, and as amazing as Hardhome was, and it

Isn’t that also how we ended up with so much time wasted on Theon’s torture?