
Yup, just "one of the guys," proving yourself worthy to those who consider you a fuckin' prop and an outlet for their violent impulses.

If a stranger walked up to me and smacked a handful of cream into my face, I most definitely wouldn't call that harmless. I wouldn't be physically hurt, but it would bring back some extremely bad memories of when I was a kid and got so heavily bullied I had to get therapy for years. I think I'd break down crying in

You are right. All of these feature abuse, and the violators should be prosecuted. No joke, these assholes deserve jail time. On a side note, what the fuck, suburbia? Most of this crap comes from candy-ass suburban white kids who need their mom and dad to get off their smartphones and give their kids a good swat

Start that shit here in the Detroit area and it'll turn into FistCam real quick - if you're lucky, it won't turn into BulletCam.

The videos would be used in my defense case after I spastically beat them into bloody pulp.

I think both these dudes need to be made infamous. People need to see these people, and recognize them for their horrible acts. I'm sharing this... I hope others do to.

Seriously, he hit her so hard that the jug broke! That's pretty damn hard. And that was for laughs. Imagine what this guy might do when mad.

Not gonna look. Sounds too awful. This will be stopped, you watch.

A video he posted of two assholes harassing a tearful girl has been been retweeted 625 times

I thought you might have been exaggerating, that these were silly pranks where some unsuspecting person gets hit with a water balloon or something. These are horrifying and criminal. If I were a victim, I would use these vines as proof when I report the assault. In the jug one, I couldn't tell if the woman's ear

Is this like the thing from jackass? I would literally wind up going shehulk on some one if they did this to me.

You're not kidding. Either that or she's got mental issues.

First off here's your list of special operations units:

Your opinions (and my god are they ever just opinions) are so flat out wrong I'm not sure where to start. No wait, I've got the perfect place, from the top:

First up is your idea that physical ability somehow doesn't factor into the fight anymore. Because you know as it turns out getting offset 8k from you target

Navy Seals are strong for a reason. It's not just for kicks. They need to be able to climb up the side of a ship even if they are exhausted from paddling or swimming. They need to be able to haul 100 pounds on their back all day. They need to be able to run with a 200 pound buddy over their shoulder. And yes they also

Thinks SEALs just sneak around in motorized boats and that lifting logs in training is for lifting ACTUAL logs in combat.

I don't think they could get away witit lowering standards. Doing it for the military in general is one thing, but the SEALS are at the highest level. And I doubt many would be in favor olore dicing requirements. I have yet to read anyone's opinion here who thinks that would be a good idea. Either a woman can make