Chicken Teriyaki Boi


Are you asking or just saying you would?

Flip, not flick. The uconn student who was flicking birds at the camera has been arrested.

My Top 5 LA football team names list:

So, if a female pulls a gun, knife or ball bat (baseball bat?) on me, I can’t punch her in the face to avoid serious injury? I have to talk her down while actively trying to disarm her....Come on, gtfoh.

Read the rest of the comments before you start your little rant

I agree she seems very angry. I was just saying it shouldn’t matter bc you can’t put your hands on anyone like that

You must be the person that doesn’t read the entire chain and responds to the first comment

Your original comment was

The original post was “were they dating?”

FYI to anyone who responded to my comment, the original poster had since edited his “Were they dating?” Post

Why does that matter?

Hey princess. Not shaving my beard.

I’ll use actual statistics instead of just using caps lock to prove my point. Barry bonds is widely believed to have started taking steroids after the 1998 season in which Roger Maris’ single season homerun record was broken (McGwire 70 hrs, Sosa 66 hrs).

Lol no

You’re an idiot. If you are a good hitter and you take steroids to enhance your skills, then steroids made you a great hitter

Except the part where you say steroids didn’t make him a good hitter. He was already a good hitter. Steroids made him a great hitter, or you know, the single season & all time homerun leader.

To suggest steroids had zero effect on Bonds’ hitting ability is insane. If you are stronger, you can swing a bat much faster, right?

I completely understand your point about negative interactions with the referees resulting in negative outcomes for the player (Beckham).

Puddles of snow? What’s next? Cubes of water?