
As someone thats awful with names... think ill need to watch this one with subtitles on.

Is the salary normalized throughout the country? Seems quite low... Software engineer making $50k in any field in the US would be laughed at heavily.

I like how you can’t decide if you should use the clunky web browser social app thing to capture screenshots or just use your cellphone.

Has there ever been interviews with the anime team? Feel like they are just trolling at some point with how rigged ash’s team is this season and the type advantage over charizard etc.

Something about the explosions from the weapons on godzilla look really crappy. It’s like making the classic gundam circle/halfcircle ‘battle explosions’ realistically, and it doesn’t work.

well from his design, everything about it evokes ‘unnatural’ in some way, like almost a mix between a burn victim and... atomic bomb survivor and other horrific stuff.

So does Day 1 patch or patches in general not have to go through the same Cert process?

characters are likeable... except that edgelord protagonist.

I mean if this was a f2p game, fine. limited time events. But I paid $40, console folks paid $60.

“Austin’s entrance theme started with the sound of glass breaking”.

kids seem pretty ok with it. Maybe YOU are the weird one fahey.

to be fair, those games were already on pc and ran pretty good I think (I beat 1, never bought 2)

How is one piece these days? I got a major headache trying to follow that one island arc where there were giant babies and everyone switched bodies. Dropped it, and haven’t had time to come back.

why is ‘high gear’ used as a phrase to represent excitement?

I feel like with all the gamergate and other nonsense over the years (not even counting the horrid stories of crunch and layoffs), I think im good doing software development for boring shit the internet nerds don’t care about.

even a littleXenogears at the very end.

glad he’s putting all those years of experience of developing stealth games into real life usage.

insane deal. Heck the one from a few weeks ago was insane for 16gb. I’m returning that one and getting this one.

insane deal. Heck the one from a few weeks ago was insane for 16gb. I’m returning that one and getting this one.

as with blackfriday, these ‘sale events’ typically are just garage sales of ‘big deals!’ on crap that they couldn’t sell on other days of the year with some enticing deals to populate the area.

as with blackfriday, these ‘sale events’ typically are just garage sales of ‘big deals!’ on crap that they couldn’t

How does this work? You just leave the phone and app on at your desk?