
well the amount of ps4 exclusive jrpgs is still pretty low. Most are released on vita or pc as well.

If you think about it... isn’t Deodorant a type of censorship???

know how credit cards and loans work.

seems to be on the longer end of ‘in minutes’, cool idea though

I mean... isn’t twilight princess basically just an hd ‘remake’ of this?

So the dudes that probably gets some financial cut from this movie has positive things to say about it...

Senran kagura was actually banned on twitch for a bit until people proved to twitch that there is ‘video game bits’ in it or something.

civic has better mpg though.

always weird hearing ANYTHING about whats going on at rockstar. Guess lawsuits are the only way to get any idea of whats going on in that pigpen.

I just wish they’d release the type 0's demo to the public (can’t even redeem anymore) which is a better representation of the final game.

I just want to punch anyone that posts anything that calls something to ‘sjw’ ‘pc’ ‘gg’ or w/e....

what is it defending?

Wish it used the weird holographic shit from the live action movie.

Didn’t really mind the batmobile in arkham knight. Love how the developers mentioned they purposely widen the streets of gotham, otherwise it wouldn’t be fun lol.

Does the plot get any better? Just got to the ‘ choose a side’ moment and every story beat and character motive up to this point has been complete bullshit.

doubling down on the combat, which is the weakest part of the main game, especially against melee dudes.... But i’ve already uninstalled the game after beating it, can’t be arsed to redl it for dlc. Seems to be a problem with most games for me.

on a complete tangent... I want to watch a dance off between game devs and press. Curious who’d have the best moves.

Got a br-z at launch year because the fr-s’s were being marked up as hell around where I lived. Got a br-z limited for less than what fr-s’s were being sold at.

was it always this dark? my mind must be tricking me, felt like it was brighter. time to boot it up again.

Which mission is this? Don’t remember the game getting that dark outside of the 2nd tutorial