I get, ‘Brother’ or ‘Father’, but in what fiction has there ever been a showdown where you call out ‘Let’s battle Cousin’?
I get, ‘Brother’ or ‘Father’, but in what fiction has there ever been a showdown where you call out ‘Let’s battle Cousin’?
As someone that’s consumed so much japanese media over the years. I’m not gonna lie that I find some 2d art to be attractive, and some not my taste. Still though... there are so many injustices in the world, I feel like there’s gotta be something better to fight for then young girls in loose clothes right?
Final Fantasy XIV - This MMO, on the other hand, certainly does do it for me. I could do without the level grinding, but the writing and presentation are top-notch and I’m stoked to get up to the Heavensward content that was released this year. Plus: Triple Triad!
PC also got type-0! Heard it’s pretty buggy though.
People already complained when it came out on iOS. They apparently don’t care lol.
Don’t know if the pc version is any different, but i got used to the visuals pretty quickly when i got it on iOS. Definitely looks better in motion, or at least you get used to it.
While I don’t disagree the graphics are horrid, there are merits of getting the pc/mobile version because they are the best versions gameplay wise.
Is there a reason to have multiple toons in destiny?
in the end its all gonna be dude betrays other dude and is betrayed by other dude etc etc etc “takes off shirts and fight”. credits.
I sit in front of a computer monitor most of the day and I get eye strain too...
On a side note, its worth praising nintendo these days for performance. Sure their machine isn’t the hottest in specs and graphics, but nintendo really knows their priorities, in either a locked 60fps or locked 30fps (it kinda looks ugly at places, but xenoblade X is the most expansive open world game this year, yet…
Don’t do customer service job if you still have a soul.
Any good ui mods yet? There were quite a few for NV.
Looking at the gif and knowing nothing about destiny... totally thought it was master chief executing a native american chief.
Heck even if the framerate was the same across the board, bethesda games should only be played on pc solely because of the Console feature.
did registering for the beta count way back when?
Good piece. It’s known that this game has been through hell... which makes you wonder how the hell is Cold Steel coming out in december. I’m pretty sure that kiseki game isn’t light on script O.o
Gimme a new speed3 already~.
Is the gameplay pretty much just Neptunia U? Feel like i’ve saw a lot of similar animations in the trailers.