
Funny you mentioned nintendo because they’ve had the opposite effect. They doubled down on their handheld to get it back up while home console floundered. Sony doubled down effort and made PS4 a success compare to ps3 (in the US) while left vita flounder.

I feel like the Simpson eps with Scorpio is the reason I love this movie so much now :)

Not really dumbed down depending on what you are after. Dudes who made this game are Smashboard folks, so its definitely more geared toward competitive play compare to Brawl/smash4. Expect more high level tactics, balance, moves etc, less items, gimmicks etc.

Preordering dlc is dumb. Preordering arkham dlc is just stupid. Why would anyone still preorder a season pass for arkham games which have had notoriously shit dlc (Arkham origin’s mr freeze dlc being the exception, but that wasn’t even a rocksteady joint)?

so is the altima a sports sedan too?

reminds me i need to get my car a wash and vacuum.

which was a huge problem originally. they lasted too long lol. And once you mastered each teams juggling... there isn’t really much more depth left gameplay wise.

i feel like i saw this play out in CSI miami a decade ago.

will keep at mgs5, then go back and finish witcher 3, Trials of cold steel, maybe assassin creed if I can find a good deal on pc? Still have danganronpa despair girls and stein gate too. mostly done buying stuff this year. now to finish these long ass games :)

I recall they mention they listened to feedback... First game was good...except you pretty much got all there is to do... 1/3 of the way into the game. Game should be like 15 hours long max unless they really revamped the rpg aspect.

Why do people live in gotham? Like normal folks. Would get my ass out of that city... but then are there any ‘main cities’ in DC universe thats a nice place to live?

The game deserves to be praised a bit for its scoring system. Unlike most ‘stealth games’, if you are killing dudes quickly and with headshots, you can still S rank, so you can play as a murder simulator without missing out (still good to keep dudes alive to recruit tho)

thats a baller watch. Didn’t know big bosses’ watch was made irl. do they sell those?

Seems like blitzball, or Inazuma Eleven. We need more turn baseed sports games, especially in the US.

Now playing

a few min left of work, so haven’t touched PP yet, but I’ve been rewatching this as a primer for cqc. They really went out there way with cqc this time, will be a bummer if you don’t kungfu a few dudes :3

how important is gear in this? Always found it odd in games like splinter cell and other stealth games that have economy systems, yet most of the time you are just sneaking around and choking dudes. A pimped out rifle won’t help you for that.

I’m just annoyed that the one ‘feature’ I want in my cars (push button start) tend to only be on top trims with all the extra bullshit adding to the cost and weighing the car down.

How are the Skulls in your opinion? Read in a few reviews that they are a pain in the ass.

I mean according to the image, it says the coins are (paid service). Not sure why konami is so angry... its their wording that makes it seem like a paid thing.

people that are complaining seem to have forgotten that this game was originally suppose to launch 2 weeks after consoles. I’ll take no preloads for day and date launch with consoles :P