
luxury yes, but This will eventually move down to peasant cars, which plenty are still manual (outside of the US)

the amount of times I honked at distracted drivers at a green light the past few years have definitely increased.

glad subaru is growing in popularity. Once you get over the ‘plain’ looks, the amount of features you get for the price is pretty great. A bit bummed they went to CVTs for all their autos, but there are worse cvts ive driven.

haven’t checked the 8.1 version of solitare for a while, but im pretty sure the standard solitare mode has no ads, just the other modes and fancy stuff do.

surprised testers are often minimum wage. I assume there are upper level testers as well in games that do automation testing and what not? What is the upper salary cap for QA in games?

watching the transformation gif on the flickr... really impressive how he pretty much converted the Leader class Optimus Prime toy into legos, including most of the transformation steps.

As people mentioned... I feel like the 2015 WRX being such a good car for the price hurts the BRZ somewhat. Unless you are specifically out to get a sports coupe... wrx is way better bang for buck in terms of performance, utility, daily drivability.

googling found me a stick driving school locally. class was 2 hours long and cost a bit over $100, but i got a certificate that took a chunk out of my insurance for 2 years. win-win.

got one of those phone mounts that sit in the cd slot so its positioned perfectly over the shitty subaru infotainment screen. can google maps and stream podcasts through bluetooth.

sex in a sauna sounds... exhausting and dangerous lol. Who does that?

i’ve fit 4 adults in my brz the other week when we went out to lunch... Was surprised it worked, can’t recommend it ever unless its your only option.

cats out of the bag, i can’t imagine them giving up on pre-order goodies anytime soon. heck its more likely they will double down if preorders ever dip.

there is an appeal of playing a game day 1 (believe it or not, all the marketing hype train does work... or companies wouldn’t be doing it!). And with games like this being 50+gb and not everyone has blazing internet... there is a decent reason.

actually with the new steam refund policies, steam might be the only marketplace out of all consoles where preordering games is ok.

well to give GMG some slack, the process of ‘refund of a redeemed steam key’ is way more of a hassle then for steam to do a refund. They have to contact WB who has to contact steam etc.

people really freaking out about the least spoiler spoiler that can happen in anything batman related?

“They’ll need to pencil in Shenmue 3 to the top of this one!”

imitator is fine. Think the smartphone/tablet arena is pretty much stagnant at this point anyhow.

It’s one of those shows that start out strong and really quickly is made apparent the writer has zero clue how to progress the story. And it loses much of the reasons why it started out strong when it just turns into Ultraman. What ever happen to the basement cellar?