
I am an average person trying to move up in the workforce. Neither I nor my bosses dress in business attire. This is also true of many of my friends and I would predict gets truer for current high schoolers who will eventually report to people like me. In fact, there are a few jobs where the expectation is that you

Lol, I love this story. I wonder how many companies lose out on talent because of unnecessary rules and assumptions.

The fact that this is exactly what the Republicans did to Obama is not coincidence. All these people do is project their own failures and maliscious deeds onto others. Classic gas lighting.

Even some of my lawyer friends work from home!

Right. But he’ll figure out how to deal with it just fine.

I’m all for no bra. Especially for my small tits, they serve literally no other purpose than protecting prudish people from seeing my nipples. Nipples!

Well so long as the parents are happy...

Mark Zuckerberg wears hoodies. Dressing “professionally” is something many people will never be asked to do in their entire lives. Only my entry level job out of college asked for business casual even. Everything else has been basically “wear something clean.”

Why would anyone give into this? Because of ad revenue loss I guess? But the people watching these shows on Pirate Bay probably were gonna do that anyway. It just seems kinda silly.

I know! The older I get, the younger young people look to me. Probably because I don’t accept that I’m as far from 18 as I am. Lol.

Ok but if she loves Jerry Seinfeld, then she knows he is not gonna hug her. Or anyone.

I agree, though as a teacher (college even), I find it weird to date even after. The student/teacher relationship is so sacred to me. But I could understand if others feel differently.

I mean how society writ large views it. That because he is male and she is female and there is a stereotypical power dynamic involved in THAT, it counters to a certain extent the other power dynamic, which is student/teacher in the court of public opinion. Not that it’s RIGHT. Just that society can treat—or be more

Who is WE??!?!? Who thought virulent racism was dead with Obama? Not POC. Or anyone who paid any attention.

Because the means are the ends.

You’re not paranoid if they really are after you.

Al would be good, but I can’t imagine him running. Though who knows!

She says it feels offset, not that it totally is. I thought she provided a lot of detail to back that feeling/claim.

That’s an interesting idea, especially since a lot of these women are also in unhappy marriages when they find themselves attracted to students. Maybe a longing for innocence? Control? A do-over? In a weird way, it makes me think about why I’m only attracted to men who are about my height (definitely not much larger

Got me.