Has anyone signed Cara Delevingne for the movie yet?
Has anyone signed Cara Delevingne for the movie yet?
I look forward to this 2-hour reminder of how no one will ever be able to replace Robin Williams.
I think the joke is that Murd is the only one of his species who can see and doesn’t use echo-location.
Lego movie works because it disguises itself as a film for all the kids but it’s really meant to be a gut punch to all the geek dads of the world. That third act twist is so perfect and the hug makes me cry every damn time.
But on the flip, what has been up with Jake’s hair this season? It looks like a comb-over.
I loved Winter Soldier, but its conspiracy plot was a bit too far-fetched. Nazi sympathisers holding immense political and military power in the 21st-century USA? Whatever, comic books!
Here’s a question (perhaps to be answered after four more columns): What was the best year for superhero movies? Because GotG and Winter Soldier, plus Big Hero Six, make 2014 a pretty strong contender. I’d say the action scenes in Winter Soldier are the best of any Marvel movie. But I guess 2018 is solid too.
Yep— my boomer hippie parents were the ones who taught me about economic fairness and unions and pensions and so forth. They’re the ones who taught me that the tax laws are built to favor the rich, and that I should always watch what they do and not what they say. They’re the ones who planted all these ideas about…
So realizing you were terribly wrong when someone you care about was RAPED and then learning from that and becoming a better person, all clearly laid out the in the original story, makes him a racist? Sure.
What’s worse than not reading a story and writing a comment? Not reading a story and writing a whole other story on what you THINK is in the first one.
We have orchestras with 500-year old instruments playing 500-year old music right now. Not out of place at all.
“In Minneapolis, we, like a significant portion of the Midwest, are finally clawing out of the wretched, record-breaking arctic cold that ground down on us like the Laurentide ice sheet. Schools were cancelled, car batteries died and everyone was effectively shut inside like an old-timey Klondike prospector…
“Mind of Hermes.” Maybe it’s a live-action Futurama movie.
Well, Beverly Crusher’s ghost boyfriend from the Scottish planet did make the bridge foggy.
It’s not Miller that was from Baltimore, it was Amos. I’m originally a Baltimoron too (but I got out) :)
Because nobody else has linked it yet, even though it was referenced in the title:
“It did nothing to advance the actual story...” Can’t an episode just stand on its own anymore?
That was the big change here in the dynamics (aside from the “Dead Hand” counter-strike system).
We’ve seen Elizabeth smoking throughout the premiere, so her asking Hanley for a light seems as innocent to us as it does to him.
Tune in next week to learn the fate of Gorbachev!