chibbs vicious

I always assumed the tank got stuck in the shark’s mouth (maybe snagged on a tooth) or the shark was so full it simply couldn’t swallow anything else and has no ability to spit stuff out.

Assuming it won’t just be glossed over, my guess is the friends from Spider-man: Homecoming who will be in Far From Hom,e and are still the same age as Peter, were also snapped.


I agree to a certain extent. This reminds me of when the Borg Queen was introduced. It may have seemed like a good idea at the time but it took away a lot of what made the Borg scary. The existence of the Night King does take something away from the threat since now it’s obvious that there is a way to beat them, but


Maybe they do it and it doesn’t work this time.  Or it appears not to work, but it’s actually a misdirect.  Gotta put some sort of spin on it.

I saw the episode before having read the books. I was completely ignorant about what was about to happen. My wife cheated by reading the story synopsis online and left the room right before shit went down. She heard me cry out “WHAT?!” and “WHAT THE FUCK?!” about a dozen times before she re-entered the room.


“30 Minutes Later” killed me.

Never trust a critic named after a type of battery.

I re-watched it a year or so ago with my kids.  I was surprised at how slow the film felt and didn’t find myself laughing hardly at all.  The kids even bailed on it long before the ending.  

I really enjoyed it.  It doesn’t stick the landing due to the sequel set-up but the rest of the movie is first-rate popcorn fare.  It looks great, the fight sequences are well done and the whole thing has a great pulp energy to it.

My original thought was that Locar decided to kill himself after being confronted by Klyden.  He made it seem like a murder in order to protect his family.  It didn’t occur to me that everything in the recreation was fake.

Unlike Willis, Neeson still gives a shit.  

They’ll cover that when a Krill becomes Chief Security Officer on Orville: The Next Generation.

I enjoy this show and am usually able to look past flaws in the writing because I genuinely like the cast and what the show is going for BUT THIS EPISODE DIDN’T MAKE THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF SENSE.

I assume the same reason McFarlane is able to get these people is the same reason so many big names show up in Adam Sandler movies: they’re both genuinely charming people who are fun to work with.

I haven’t seen any spoilers but it felt to me like this isn’t going to be permanent. Patrick Warburton’s character is definitely a placeholder.  My guess is they’’ll save her return for a later episode where she’ll have to do something to save the ship or the captain.

I wasn’t sure at first if it was Billingsly.  Once I figured it out I got a real kick out of the casting. 

Science problems aside, I thought it was a good episode.  Everything from when Phlox asked the EMH to put his hand in the boiling sauce was very tense and well done.  I had some of the same quibbles as the reviewer (the story should have shown her putting everything together before the reveal) but the rest of the