
...because they’ll both become neocons once in office.

Bernie is tasked with rounding up his following and throwing them to Liz Warren who is a Native American Woman. It’s kind of like how the younger factions of the Grateful Dead’s following started following Phish. They’re sort of similar, but not really. At this point we just like the drugs and the scene and they’re

Take Tylenol, seriously. The other option is way too extreme and ultimately self-defeating.

That would be called “caring.” I contend that nobody actually cares. Maybe there are a few people like those you describe, but generally people just don’t care. 

cgo2370 - I understand that Nike wants to sell millions more pairs of shoes to hundreds of thousands more EBT holders but you have to understand that increasing Nike’s bottom line is not the responsibility of the American Taxpayer.


To be fair, nobody actually cares what’s going on at the border insofar as “the humanity of it all” is concerned.

The goal is open borders and a complete subversion of America by global interests including, but not limited to, global corporations... silently. This has been going on for decades at a measured pace. They understand that you can only boil a frog slowly, so that’s what they’ve been doing. This means they can’t call

Israel isn’t just a strong ally, she’s our Greatest Ally. We must go to war with Iran for them just as we did Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen etc. We should do more Arab Springs too. Anything and everything. Plus money. 

If we don’t win, democracy is dead.

At least you know my discussion, or whatever you would like to call it, is not malevolent.

Are you admitting that the Democrat’s best chance against Trump is... another Trump?

Two charlatans fighting over something neither care about. The state of the Democratic Party.

Assuming Candidate Warren ever becomes President Warren? Everything. Bernie is a true believer in socialism albeit selfishly, he loves the limelight and having finally made a name for himself. Warren is a standard-issue politician, say absolutely anything to increase your status and achieve your personal goals. She

Whatever you say, professor. I’m sure you have your own academic refutation of Gödel’s Ontological Proof. 

Even so, tough to imagine a path where he doesn’t end up winning 2020. If Bernie is successful in rounding up his base and making sure they don’t vote for Trump again then maybe, but probably not. Warren may be the compromise candidate but she can’t beat Trump. Biden is a gigantic joke of a man. Buttigieg is a no and

Humans are have better technology then aliens. Aliens no smarts about science especially physics. Truth hurts don’t it.

Apply earthly laws to the divine.

If you truly believe that aliens do not exist, you are just not very bright. To believe that aliens do not exist is to believe that the entirety of the universe is known to humans. This is hubris and stupidity. Funny how often they go hand in hand.