
I’m lucky in that I’ve never had an issue with ‘shimmering’ on the PS5 version of the game, playing in Resolution/Fidelity mode. Playing on a 55" Samsung HDR/4k television.

There is a difference between dreads and braids. And people of many cultures have braided their hair for as far back as we have recorded history, so the argument that Aloy isn’t ‘allowed’ to have them is uninformed and ignorant.

The saves do carry over from one system to the other!

Sounds wonderful - I just hope they don’t succumb to the teeth-grinding ‘kill your gays’ trope at some point. I’ve seen it so many times that its actually made me hesitant to engage with stories/games like this.

Are you daft? This article is almost entirely praise for the game.

Considering the patch notes specify that it affects the 4 core romance NPCs, its highly unlikely that she’s a part of this.

Gotta keep that incel demographic happy, I guess?

Take the energy you spend whining about people’s opinions and use it to do something noteworthy, like create an IP that is worth millions/billions of dollars. Then get back to me on how uNrEaSoNabLe Nintendo is.

Luke your take on this is disastrously bad.

Friendly reminder that your opinion is not the beginning and end of other people’s GOTY lists. And that comes from someone who agrees that MD was one of 2021's best.

Mildly annoying article, considering only a handful of the machines are based on dinosaur archetypes - there were mechanized gazelles, bulls, hermit crabs, crocodiles, birds, bears, hyenas, and others. And even thought we’ve only seen a few of the new machines in HFW, we’ve already seen several that aren’t based on

Its a bit “I have to say something but I don’t want to lose sponsors and money, so... blah blah vague statement about safe industry vague blah vague.”

Its sad that gamers being insufferable human trashfires doesn’t even surprise me anymore.

Every single PC gamer I know (easily 100+ people) also has at least one of the consoles. My family has PC + 4 consoles.

‘Smash killer’. Absolute nonsense. Hyperbolic, pointless nonsense.

You could take that sentence, replace the ‘Smash Bros.’ in ‘Smash Bros. fans’ with literally ANY fandom, and it would still be true. 

Utooni? More like U-two-ni, am I right?

I mean, I had tons of fun skating for years until one day I slammed into a metal railing. :P

Fair enough!

Its still mostly busted on the older PS4s. Sony even warns you about that if you buy it from them.