
Have smarter kids. I never did that kind of thing with games when I was 5.

Damn right. Punching someone that would put my fucking family in an oven if given the chance isn’t assault, it’s self defense.

Nathan Grayson probably makes more money than any of us commenting to post this shit. Full communism now.

Disgraceful. I hope he sues the ever loving fuck out of the city.

I hope they pop out for you, you classist shit.

Dems are going to nominate another neoliberal and we’re going to get 8 years of Trump. Sad!

Sad. I wasn’t that interested as much in Scalebound as opposed to most other Platinum games but I was hoping it could be good. Hopefully Nintendo or Sony could pony up to get it finished on one of their consoles.

Creepy AF journalism. Nathan Grayson was paid for this. lol

You can play as both Peach and Toadette. When you’re Peach, she ends up saving a male Toad at the end instead.