Chesty La Rue

Also, while mind-alteringly beautiful, Alexis Bledel has the acting chops of a wet bag of Cheetos. She has chemistry with no-one.

You’re spot on about Bledel. I found Rory to be totally insufferable by the end, and it seems Bledel kept with that trajectory. Then she married a man who could pass as her fraternal twin brother and that was it. Her spirit animal is a polo shirt.

Good thing she didn’t cry herself:

The word’s gross now? I have seen multiple videos and articles of women saying they are voting for Clinton because she is a woman. MULTIPLE. It’s just insane that this has become the argument; that K. Mike actually had to say it. I am glad he did.

HAH. Hillary might not be “asking anyone to vote for her based on her gender,” but her people are certainly relying awfully heavily on the “but Bernie’s supporters are SEXIST” argument. Listen, I’ll happily vote for her if she wins the nomination, and a Clinton presidency would probably be no worse than Obama’s


I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....

It will be in my world ;) #middleagedinbocaraton

As much as I would like to scream details from the rooftops because it’s super exciting, I don’t feel comfortable doxxing myself or others without their consent. You’ll just have to trust me when I say that I’m not blowing smoke up anyone’s ass and that people in the industry, from A-List to D-List, are actively

Bless your heart.

Check your human privilege. #UrsineLivesMatter

Also, realtalk: Joey got hot. Everyone else is meh to ugh, but the FatOne? Girl, he looks good.

I am exactly the perfect age for maximum appreciation of both NSYNC and Fall Out Boy. I remember when No Strings Attached came out, making up dance routines to all the songs and watching MTV for hours waiting for each new music video (the few that didn’t premiere on TRL, of course). In high school, I had a Xanga that

I just turned 30. And it makes me very sad that I’m considered an old now. Very very very sad. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to throw on the first Now that’s what I call music while I flip through a coffin catalogue. Do we think a white coffin is tacky? I’ve got a lot of decisions to make.

No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

That has been the only funny part of this whole situation - seeing the twitter hashtags people were coming up with. #YallQaeda #YokelHaram #YeeHawd #Talibundy #VanillaISIS

(i loved this moment)