chesty copperpot

Did you see the picture of Malia and her dad backstage at The Price? Malia is holding Danny’s hand so apparently she and her dad feel the same way you do! Also, that picture makes me so happy, I wish I knew how to embed pics.

The NYMag article was great, really interesting. It was also very sad but did a good job and delving into why the main Sandy Hook hoaxer may have a need to self aggrandize.

It’ll be one room with one copy of Art of the Deal dipped in gold so you can’t even read the fucking thing.

I was being a bit flip, of course there are trans people in every state and those in red states need non-crazies to stand up for civil rights even more. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way!

I feel the same way about him. Often times he reminds me too much of Fred Willard in Best in Show and then all of a sudden he nails an asshole with a good question, so confusing!

I saw her in a bar once and she looked GLORIOUS! I love her.

Whenever conservatives get all riled up about the boogeymen, LGBTQ people and terrorism I’m like “bitch, you live in Kansas!”

My bet is that she pursed her lips when she saw the design.

Its definitely selfishness. I have at least three friends who used to be republicans who now all vote democrat because they have family members who have come out. One of them said to me that she agrees with fiscal conservatism but she will not vote for a party that hates her brother.

Your mom sounds fun!

Is Jeremy Irons coming back as Scar?

When I was a teenager I met the woman who voiced Ursula and it was soooo weird! She had the voice of the evil sea witch but was one of the nicest, jolliest ladies I have ever met! A real gm that Ursula, who’d have thunk it?

I haven’t flown sw in years but when my cousin and i were flying unaccompanied to our grandmother’s funeral on sw one of the flight attendants sat with us for a while and was so sweet to us. She knew of our grandmother and said such nice things. Made it a lot easier for us (14 and 16) to get through a tough flight.

This is an excellent story! Sorry your parents had to deal with that though, yikes!

Once on a flight from Buenos Aires back to the states I had a guy look at me and say “no dinner for me” then pop a pill and sleep on me for about 8 of the next 10 hours. My poor Dad kept offering to switch with me, my sister was laughing her ass off. Honestly I wouldn’t have minded so much if he had just said “excuse

Exactly, I had this conversation at dinner tonight with a friend of mine. It all just seems like SUCH a waste of time. Why spend time hating when you could spend time loving?

That is my favorite part of the movie, I still cackle about that headline to this day.

There was a rumor at my boarding school that Ivanka was rejected because her dad is such a shitshow. Probably not true but we all thought it was pretty juicy goss back in the ‘90s.

I can’t speak for Chelsea but I have a good friend who was once quite friendly with Jared and Ivanka and has since cut them out of her life completely.

“A progressive is a liberal who doesn’t want to admit it.” - Barney Frank