Well, yes. I guess I feel like this week set up his unavoidable noble death even more clearly. Which, I mean, good on them for finding a way to make at least one thing super obvious?
Well, yes. I guess I feel like this week set up his unavoidable noble death even more clearly. Which, I mean, good on them for finding a way to make at least one thing super obvious?
Setting up the Theon sacrifice redemption arc *hard* this episode…
Upvote for avatar/comment synergy.
Flint Ironstag!
I'm not a Mel Gibson type of gal, but man, I love Maverick. "Everybody's got a gun!"
He just wants to let us know who we are, why we're here. And why he has a picture of a burger on the wall.
Just think of all the little potholes like "magic fingers", but for your car! And the giant potholes are just swimming pools that haven't been filled in yet…
I mean…Trump has got to be used to people refusing to be alone with him at this point, right? It's just that usually, they're women.
No, no, you've got it all wrong! "The cloud" Trump keeps referring to is the fact that his tweets are stored forever in the internet! He just wanted Comey to destroy cloud-based storage (and maybe Jim Parsons)!
I look forward to the catchy-as-hell early Act I number, "Coffee"
His death upset me so badly it turned me into a caricature. One hand over my mouth, the other reaching toward the TV, and me just sobbing.
The reality series, Hound the Bounty Hunter.
Two and a Half Faceless Men
Sleeman's Cream Ale is tax-evasion-licious.
My guess is because of that time you got hit on the head with a frying pan.
And it's gone on the winds of time…why didn't I screencap that Blue Jacket bio?!?
It'd have been a built in rival for the Canucks!
So, I wondered: "What in the hell could they have done for the Blue Jackets?" (I thought it about my Red Wings, too, but that one wasn't nearly as…well…)
The artist, Jen Harley, does a lot of amazing work for artists/bands in the Ann Arbor/Ypsi area.
It's not subtle.