I don't agree with you on Craig T. Nelson, but 'par(r)' got you an upvote anyway.
I don't agree with you on Craig T. Nelson, but 'par(r)' got you an upvote anyway.
Something something Heisenberg's uncertainty principle of dicks.
Booga drives the tank!
I have a sincere hope that all the rom-com stuff is a show they have to put on for crazy robot steward Michael Sheen, and that this will actually be a good movie.
Oh, I disagree. Coffee + chocolate milk from my local dairy is my morning savior.
The moment in "The Land Ship" where he holds up a sleeping Tina at breakfast slays me every time.
I cannot hear that word above a whisper anymore.
Christmas at Ground Zero always creeped me out.
I'm with you, and for the exact same reason. Also, Ford asking him if something was "before his time" - a loaded turn of phrase.
Paint it Black was also in there.
The husk of Anders drives the fleet into the sun with all the gods/technology on board.
I saw Gross play Hamlet at Stratford when I was in high school…I've dreamt of him ever since.
The CDs that came out of Cartoon Planet were my mainstays for a very long time. God, I miss that show.
"Damn window's up!" is always uttered if my brother and I are in a car together.
And sometimes it won't even help. I recently got out of a friendship where he didn't respect my time - we had a good, long conversation about it, and then he flaked on me three times in a row. It's disappointing to find out your own instincts are wrong sometimes (I thought we were close - apparently not so.) His life…
Long ago, the delicate tangles of his hair…covered the emptiness of my hand. (Although, like many others, "I have no response to that." is my go-to quote for this movie)