I think they mixed up what Laura Dern was talking about; she was referring to a conversation in Blue Velvet, not the new season. So no spoilers to worry about, though this means we have no evidence that we'll get Coop back to his senses again!
I think they mixed up what Laura Dern was talking about; she was referring to a conversation in Blue Velvet, not the new season. So no spoilers to worry about, though this means we have no evidence that we'll get Coop back to his senses again!
Now THAT bit was comedy gold. Reminded me of some of the funny parts in Rainman ("Tell him, Ray" "KMart sucks"). The people that find the two deaths of this episode funny kind of worry me.
I very much doubt we are heading towards a finale like a final face-off at the Glastonbury Circle between woken-up Good Coop, with Hawk and Diane, Cole and why not James and Audrey behind him, and Bad Coop and the box slasher creature on the other side. That is what a superhero movie leads towards, and it is…
Damn, you're right. Still, my Season 3 bubble is still holding strong! No border crossings so far.
Hey man, you can't criticize the season yet, I'm still getting over the excitement of seeing my town Buenos Aires make such a stellar appearance. The only location outside the U.S.! In your face, London, Paris, Rio, you loser non-included-in-Twin Peaks backwoods villages!
That's weird - I actually found it funny AND relieving that it was possible to acknowledge some of these feelings and laugh at them. Made me feel like we are all having these parenting moments and can have fun with them. Also, the part about "I have no time for the problems of single people" - aahh, reading my mind!
Right - I know Fangio is big, but since I am far from a racing fan, I forget his legendary status. Lots of stories about him still circulate, though
I may have overdone it. But who can compare to the glare of international soccer stars, global religious leaders or…um, subjects of successful musicals and their failed Hollywood recreation?
Glad you liked Wild Tales; the episode with the highway showdown was a favorite of mine, bluntly staging the undercurrent of tension that runs through Argentinean society, with a lot of great, deep black humor. He directed a great TV series, "The Simulators", about a group of simulation professionals doing a sort of…
Wow, you know your Argentine literature! Has Arlt been translated to English or did you read him in Spanish?
Ha! Good list. Those are Argentina's deep cuts. (Or maybe lower charting singles).
Please point me towards the job or sector that does those three guaranteed raises a year, because most jobs I am aware of here only adjust just once for last year's inflation, after 11 months of gradually losing purchasing power. But hey, at least we're not Greece, right? That there is a whole country of parasites,…
Well, of course, not as productive as the great nation that leads the Free World and capitalism. We are just 40 million lazy bums mooching off the State, never pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps, wasting our life away on family and friendship. LOL
Hey cool! Not often do I find a whole article centered on my country of birth (yes, Che is not Cuban) and residence. Funny to see it portrayed as such a pretentious drink when mate (no "é" please! Looks ridiculous and sounds wrong) is so ubiquitous and opposite to any snobby pose down here.
Also, we know what you liked about the Aliens sequel: big infrastructure getting blown up! And not just one alien like in I and III, but lots and lots of them! So with the best of I and II covered, what have you got to lose?
I thought that it made sense that the characters were barely developed. The focus of the movie is on the mission that they carried out; that they sacrificed their own lives to accomplish that final scene. So I didn't mind that plot was given priority over character depth. If anything, I had some issues with the…
I expected them to make use of the opportunity to play with the universe much more. They were aware by now of the legendary status of the SW world (unlike the prequels, which came out before the original trilogy had been made into a golden cultural touchstone). I thought they were getting it really right when I saw…
I was confused by that too, thank you! I didn't know of any singles from Blackstar, so how would there be b-sides? I could Google all this and be sure, but then I'd be giving Google all my personal information too, and as a Cuban guerrilla leader baseball stadium, I can't have that
The part I found more annoying was not so much the plans, but all the switches and levers needed to be pulled manually in ridiculous places and without any instructions for the plans to be broadcast. The one that Chirrut walks to while chanting, and the antenna alignment walkway, are both really video game-y plot…
Although I concede more charisma on the part of Finn and Poe in TFA, I didn't feel like Rey had much going for her character at this point in the story. But for Rogue One, I feel like it makes sense that we don't know much about this group of rebel grunts: it really IS the mission that mattered here, it's what they…