The vinyl LP came with a wonderful book and material which is barely hinted at in the film; it makes me very happy every time I remember that I have that at hand. "I am the waitress"…
The vinyl LP came with a wonderful book and material which is barely hinted at in the film; it makes me very happy every time I remember that I have that at hand. "I am the waitress"…
What is this Rutles thing and why do people keep mentioning it to me? I am the Cuban guerrilla leader Che Stadium, and I have no time for imperialist culture!
Yeah, it's actually an extremely basic lyrical idea. You could also say, "So who loves you, or did she tell you that I love her? I don't know, all these pronouns doing stuff…who can keep up?"
Yes, definitely don't rate the Beatles on their best-known songs. They have some 3rd-level songs that have spawned entire movements, and a surprising amount of deep cuts have something valuable about them - if it's not the melody, then the performance, or the production, or sometimes just the mood.
With the mistakes made with the number of studio albums and some of the either overplayed or wrong choices, I sense a surprising lack of Beatleness for a pop culture website. Maxwell's Silver Hammer unskippable, really?