But I thought this was a sTaTeS rIgHtS issue? So why is this bitch thinking she can tell another state what to do?
I no longer care. None of that is going to affect ratings in any meaningful way. Companies care about ratings. But im glad that the conservatives continue to do everything they can to ensure zoomers and millenials never vote for them in significant numbers.
If you own a home, you should have a home equity line of credit open. It might just save your ass.
Porsche Classic now offers the option of an infotainment retrofit for the 997 911, 987 Boxster, Cayman and…
How would they do that if people could barely get a PS5 two years ago. That is why they supported the PS4 so long; the shortage! All this talk about time and perception and y’all forgot that?
andI’m kinda stumped on what to bring honestly. Having Poison Tera, Water and Dark cover the two STAB types that counter it, Ground and Psychic respectively. I may just end up using Umbreon, but I’m not sure.
Former Civil Engineer here. One semi truck does the damage of 10,000 passenger cars. If you eliminated trucks from a stretch of US interstate highway, you’d reduce the required concrete pavement thickness from 9-10 inches to 5 inches. You’d also extend the pavement life from 20 years to 50 years.
So I’m not too worried…
I love the D&D Rebellion!
Also, Sharon wearing her husband’s shirt and the Gap shirt were a big deal at the time! It was mentioned in all of the style write-ups, and the teen magazines were showing ideas to incorporate that casual/dressy look for prom.
I live in California, where shit be expensive. If you find an honest electrician it is not that expensive. My wall charger cost me $250 from Tesla. My electrician charged me $975 to install. most of that was 25 ft of conduit which has gone up in cost. I only have a 100amp breaker. He put in a 50Amp for the charger.…
Sharon Stone is wearing her husband’s shirt.
TikTok is purely for completely unaware idiots. Every Tok trend that I hear about further reinforces that belief.
They’re increasingly saying the quiet parts out loud.
Comparing human women to the cattle that we use and abuse for to exploit their biological reproductive functions for our own gain is probably the most honest thing a Republican has said about abortion in decades.
It would leave them nowhere to go with their defense of Trump.
Well to me fair in many, if not most, of those instances it wasn’t indigenous peoples doing the building, it was slave labor.
”Ancient alien theories only work if you think indigenous people couldn’t have built impressive things”
Can we please not rewrite history to take away the agency of the people who made it?