Damn Right! Labels only exists if you insist on them!
Damn Right! Labels only exists if you insist on them!
Ok You HAVE to tell us how that particular topic came up at the "family" party!!!!
No, No it's not "normal" to live vicariously through ANYONE ( unless it's a superhero)
Yeah but did the marriage last?
Bhawawawa Nana reach around and oompha lumpa tan. Priceless.
That is a cool Mom. I aspire to be her!
NO NO NO WAY NO HOW would I have wanted my mother at my bachelorette party and there is NO NO NOWAY I’ll go to my daughters if she chose to have one. Funny and true story though. 25 years ago a friend was getting married and I was maid of honour, She was the first of the groups to get married and we were all excited…
SO Would I
True d'at
Woe begone Jane Eyres BEST COMMENT ON Boards!!!!
Oh honey to err is human ...to arrrr is pirate.... and a genuise is a genius :)
Best answer on this feed
Love it Penabler. and her step daughter got famous at 17 with a "leaked" sex tape
First World Problem!!!! Who They Fuck Cares. She’s trans really !!!! Whatever.... My question is why is she looking like every other plastic over done surgically altered “real”house wife of where ever?????? And if she a she why does she still have her dick? Also sorry trans genders You don’t get to “know what a woman…
WOW but It's Special Water. Special Expensive Water!!! Not just tap water. Oh wait it could be and they wouldn't know the difference. And at a time when there is drought. .....Complete A%%holes that should be first to the guioteen come the revolution....
150 would be boring if there is nopasta, no wine, no fun.....Maybe they live to 70 but it FEELS like 150.
THANK YOU. I'm Canadian and I just don't get the Timmies phenom. I love coffee and I find that Tim Hortons is the only coffee that gives me heartburn. And the drive through lineups cause no end of ridiculous traffic problems and in general it sucks. But no-one here will listen and I have almost be stoned ( and not in…
Why oh Why do all these people use diets “vegan” “ Alkiline” Paleo to hid easting disorders?
Dear god DON”T GIVE HER ANY IDEAS!!!!! PLEASE for humanity’s sake ;(
WOW Can I party with you?????