@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: I can see how subpar cellphone 3g tethering could totally replace a dsl.
@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: I can see how subpar cellphone 3g tethering could totally replace a dsl.
Is that 44 iPhone 4s stuffed down your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
@destryer: He looks like a gentleman and an upstanding citizen. I hope he makes millions of dollars doing nothing.
@RickyMouse: Hahaha, I was a little taken back by the responses as well. People have been cooking at home for themselves forever, and it really isn't that hard to do or expensive. Thanks for chiming in though, my hope for humanity was getting a little low there for a second.
@small-fox: Your problems are not mine, so no need to try and dump them on me. I can't afford kids right now, so I do not have them. If there is not a grocery store within any walking/bus distance, I suggest you contact a mayor or governor and try to fix that, not whine to me about it. Also are you saying you NEVER go…
@small-fox: I am thankful for my privileges, and work hard for them.
@bringtnshiny: That logic is silly.
@Scytale: Worked up? I was just pointing out the alternative, which in my opinion, is cheaper and way better for you.
@I'm Ron Burgundy?: Seeds are pennies each, water is free is most places (or collect rain), and you don't NEED fertilizer to grow plants, if you feel you do, make compost, that is free.
@KenEvil: I am sorry you *really* hate spending a few minutes cleaning.
@small-fox: If you can "Just go to Taco Bell" than you can "Just go to the Grocery store"
@RyanC: I'm not talking a spoonful of "meat" and a taco you can finish in 2 bites. This makes 4-5 big sized tacos. Have fun eating that crap though, totally your choice. You won't see me eating, or feeding my family with Taco Bell though.
@The Gays Have It: I made tacos last week, all these prices are accurate at least for where I live, California. The vegetable prices might fluctuate depending on production rates, and where you get them delivered from.
@Igor Belagorudsky: I live in a city, and tomato prices fluctuate depending on production rates. I have seen them as low as a quarter each, maybe a tad more expensive, but even a dollar or more added is well worth the peace of mind knowing what you are putting into your body.
@opiate46: Good point, a pack of tortillas is like ~$2, cheese price is a tricky one, I buy blocks of cheese and grate it myself and its way cheaper.
@Kommandant45: Yeah, this feeds me and my girlfriend for dinner and lunch at work the next day. ~$6 for 2 meals for 2 people isn't bad at all. I will sometimes grab "fast food" but usually it is subway or something similar. The crap people shovel into their bodies is disgusting.
1 pound of REAL beef - ~$4
iPod touch
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@lostarchitect: It's ok, he said he is NOT trying to be racist.