
@Green Man: I bet you like what I'm doing right now then

I was actually looking for the bathroom..

@Green Man: How'd you know I have an "Insert picture here" tattoo on the side of my face?

Dear Jason,

@Fried Yoda: He keeps wet mung sprouts in his desk and eats them throughout the day.

@Rosa Golijan: Maybe you are the bot, and you are programmed to tell us that he sounds convincingly human.

@soldstatic is nominal: I will send it with UPS, $10,000. I only ask that you deposit it quickly and send me back $1,000.

@Benedinho: The $10 price tag is what made me want them, apparently it also made everyone else want them too.

@Rosa Golijan: Fixing kinks in the neck will cost extra.

Zen Magnets - Stock status: SOLD OUT. Bad news: No Mandalas before Xmas. Good news: Plenty of Retail Zens, Original Zens stocked in time. Expect restock about 12/14. We'll post the restock timer when the info is available.

@Ding-Dang: You were actually in someone elses house.

I see back rubs.

@almondrickrossroca: Surprisingly the combat is pretty fun, but there is little else to the game.