
Almost time for me to sell my version 1 then...

@Zinger314: In other news, chocolate rations were raised to 25 grams this week.

How Orwellian.

@rick23: You watch to much TV.

@djdare: Wii felt gimmicky, and what little I have used of Move felt gimmicky, but I do own a Kinect and it is pretty damn fun not needing a controller to play games. It is incredibly responsive, and as it is the first iteration, it can only get better.

@wookie1901: Every California major city: Proposition 19

I think I am having a heart attack.

What follows a question?

@That Guy: Yeah, he made Cheverons bathrooms seem less than favorable.

@thehouserules: Yeah, it was a tossup between the Vizio or the Samsung, after seeing a few Vizios in the store we decided on the Samsung.

@makoute: ~$850 with tax, and free shipping.

I just purchased a new TV online during Cyber Monday. It was delivered yesterday and I must say, it is absolutely phenomenal. I looked at a ton of TV's at BestBuy on Saturday, and this one blows those out of the water.

@amp13: Thanks, yeah I saw them from the link but still seemed odd to leave them out of the video.

That high pitched squealing noise totally killed it for me.