
@DESTROYA: But... But.... Lego...

@LunaEclDark: Sorry, but I'd rather hear this lame comment 100 more times.

I need a double cheese burger and hold the lettuce

@Zero: Crap 4 minutes late.

I didn't know Joel worked at Burger King

@badhatharry: He asked them to cut his burger in half for him.

"There is a bomb in your hamburger"

@pond-side-over: Let's hope another one doesn't take its place.

@laser712: My girlfriend suffers from the 1 drink and she's drunk and throwing up phenomenon.

Reader Question - Is it making me look any more attractive?

@Kwinten: Samuel Adams Triple Bock, 17.5%.

@Kwinten: 211 steel reserve has 8.1%

@theose: You might be able to roll to work in it.