
Well i do admit you jobbers do have them most exclusives as of right now but i your games library it’s lacking. Besides this Fire emblem x persona game of yours is the only weaboo game you guys got compared to the Ps3 and the Vita.

I dont even care i dont even have a WII U.

Well their acting is better than that of the western world that’s for sure.

WHy do you care you’re an old men shouldn’t nit pick they should just be talking about stagnant crap in any thing topic they bring up.

Jobbers should read Tsutomu Nihei’s stuff like Blame! or Biomega.

Not a big fan of this character. Even though context is written all over her shes not my type.

Too much of these Weaboo Simulators go play some Real Eroge/Visual Novels.

Then learn to write better English then. Wannabees these days. Show me you MAL tough fish.

WHy not play FE 6 or the ones before Awakening. Gotta love posers.

You mention JP voice acting like its a negative connotation and now you saying your for it make up you mind old man.

Needs more Devil Summoner, Digital Devil Saga, and Nocturne love.

Didn’t know when you jobbers even started caring about illusionsoft games.

Well you should keep it up to date since i dont think you cant keep 1000 lists of anime up there, Old man.

Such a crooked community i laugh at it so much first fixed games now this. This community never seems to amaze me.

You mention JP voice acting and now you say for. Which is it gonna be old man.

Didnt know old men can catch up with the times so quick show me your anime list old man.

Well better get used to it Old man, since that seiyuu that plays the main female heroine right there’s like what 20 yrs old. Not seen enough hah thats an under statement theres been more anime being spit like every other season so get with the times old man or i should say senpai.

Yeah whatever but Seiyuus of that time period rarely exist with the ones of today get with the times old man or old woman, whatever you are. You know there will be dubbed versions of this game inbound right?

Unique hah.

At least i know what im talking about and you don’t. Werent you complaining about the Japanese voice actors? or was it that your grammar was so off i didn’t understand what your were saying. Please watch more anime and other such before talking about JP voices in anything alright.