
The article below this one is literally harping that dealer markups are insane. No matter what the MSRP says....theres no way it will be under 6 figures when launched and the dealers get their ‘cut’. I will bet you one American dollar!

1. Depends on the accident

Doesnt a racist white security guard and a black police officer technically cancel each other out? 

I agree...a dirtbike is the best getaway vehicle for every crime but rape

Very motivational guy and motivational story. And him driving that custom modified NSX will keep his skills sharp so when he finally does return, he will have a leg up on the competition 

You’re not the hero we want but you’re the hero we need

You have to read why they did it. Wasnt becuz of ratings per se. They wanted to do more Conan Without Borders and his Clueless Gamer series is one of the most popular things out right now PERIOD

Kamala Harris had the opportunity to gain non status quo “fans” when she was Attorney General in California. But here is a quote from her verbatim...“I couldn’t fire my clients, and there were unfortunately situations that occurred where my clients took positions that were contrary to my beliefs.”

I could see myself “rolling over” for half that price...

Thats the “I have introduced myself to the police station and hopefully I wont be shot while unarmed later” face

That’s totally wrong. Fuck allllllllllllll them cops. Keep that money people!

Just gotta go to Costco first after I leave the dealership...i promise to turn in the $215.83 that i found on the road the other day. 

A Tesla engineer cant do a transmission swap that it only “kinda sorta maybe perhaps” needs?!?

Actually carried by 6 guys Egyptian style 

7 months 3 weeks: “This isn’t too bad...wait why are you coming over her with that reciprocating saw...ow ow ow...that’s my manifold”

Very rarely have i admitted to getting schooled online...especially in the comment section of the site with the weakest authors this side of Kinja. But you absolutely schooled me!!!

I live in Las cant force me to give a fuck about some black guy in Sweden. Tell him to call his All Lives Matter crew

The point i was making was C4s and C5s are the least desirable not they dont or cant serve a purpose

I like how Jalopnik ran an article on this same situation and the author did not see a racial component. Lolz

Is there a stop in Saudi Arabia thats between Jamaica and Miami that i dont know about?! Maybe they had a layover in the Emirates and they potentially saved her life!!!! Because other than that........