@Ajh: That's funny, that's the same year Mario Paint came out.
@Ajh: That's funny, that's the same year Mario Paint came out.
shooped it?
Um, the link should be:
Is the tag for this article "Insomnaic" on purpose?
@Dirk Dorkelson: Penny'll start a fire.
In Soviet Nintendo, YOU entertain NINTENDO!
This looks like a start, but what they really need to add to make this go past just a simple controller is vibration feedback - when you press a flipper button, you need to hear and feel it move, and when bumpers hit, you feel that through the table.
@VladMalice: Yeah, but do you have a GF just for the T&A? Methinks your reasoning is lacking.
@Komrade_Kayce: Perhaps the extra CPU power will be used for DSi games and any feature that the DS/DS Lite does not have. I'd think it'd be kind of obvious.
@TurboEK: They're "big deals".
@LesPaulLvr5: I thought that the Omega drivers hadn't been updated in ages though...
@Patient: It seems you speak Mafia fluently.
Wow - Frank himself looks like a zombie in his picture on the Famitsu link. Maybe there are just a few zombies because they plan to make it into a 4-player party game after all where one player is Frank, and the other three are waggle-tastic zombie fodder.
@TonyCecrops: bloody cunt might be appropriate, what with all the zombies
@CockroachMan: It wants to send you presssssssssseennnnttsssssss...
This begs for a Photoshop Phriday.
Next up: Super-deformed characters for Starcraft Space Party for the Wii, with support for the Balance Board to let you power up your Zerg rush! kekekekekekekekes for everybody!
@shittorainbow: Therefore, you will see Starcraft 2 on the Wii.
@Mister_Jack: Ho ho ho!