@brad.lane: No kidding - that thing is amazingly heavy and built like a rock. The only problem is the PS2 interface, and the fact that it's noisy.
@brad.lane: No kidding - that thing is amazingly heavy and built like a rock. The only problem is the PS2 interface, and the fact that it's noisy.
@TheDarwinian: ambiguously?
They don't mean a game, they mean real Pikmin. They're growing them in a laboratory off the Antarctic coast right now.
Ugh - I seem to be in disagreement here in that I think that the new visuals are the opposite of awesome; they come off as pasty faced boxers with very boring color palettes with a smudged appearance. The music is a nice touch, but it sounds like really nice MIDI that's been muffled.
I want this to succeed, so that when they get around to making a cycling game, we can have a Lance Armstrong case with the bottom left corner missing.
@PositivelyDan: If you want Madden in the first place that is. If you didn't, well, just donate directly. Just sayin'.
@hometoast: Well, with the freeware tools and productivity tips, it might not be totally off limits for work.
Meh, video's too small - need zoom for the boom.
@XCha0s: Easy - one's to take a picture of other things, one's to take pictures of you - it's just like a lot of mobile phones, so maybe you'll be able to do videophone stuff with the DSi.
The 3D Picross/Minesweeper thing looks like it kicks ~all sorts of ass~, as does Professor Layton, one of the coolest Chesters to appear in video games.
@Nitroid: I thought that was part of a WarioWare game, but I could be totally wrong.
@paradoxian: A big deal is that if it has an integrated browser, it might be coming with more memory now(DS Browser requires a RAM pack to be in Slot 2), and it may (crossing fingers) support WPA and/or WPA2 encryption instead of just WEP, which is why I haven't done shit with my DS online yet.
@masterbanana: Your wish has been granted, and there was no need for a camera:
@MaxSteele: Well, it's because it's not the game they're being pissy about actually - it's the extra stuff they rightly expected the Collector's Edition to have(note: collector's edition).
@nicholasbrian: I have an awesome idea - put it through Photoshop or the Gimp and just make a negative version of it - cupcakes for everyone!
@jackospade: You know that the electoral college only votes a particular way because people vote, right? IE: If nobody voted, there would be no electoral college vote at all.
@phoenix: + 2D12
@NICU: NOW you tell me. I have some teeth to return now.