
this may seem off topic but for kids who seem not to get it at first, i think education should be geared according to the mental maturity of the person. i've seen people who would seem challenged at school only to excel later in life (Eintein is one of them) that only proves my theory.

i always wait for a week before i apply an update.. then before actually installing it, i'd google for any problems with the update. saves me time from recovering.

when dealing with my boss, i always keep in my mind that their pay grade expects them take all the shit..

..and if you're trying to do that with a really hot egg, do it with the egg underwater (cold water) :)

just "Let it go!".. "Let it go!"

..and that's why i make sure to eat at home before going out

i could never monitor my progress.. once i decide to quit, it's out of sight, out of mind.. the less i see of it the better

we may be able to send humans to Mars but there's still no cure for the common cold.. just ride it out, get enough sleep and drink lotsa water

with stuffed nose, i find eating onions (red ones) loosens everything in the nose and let it flow easily.. of course you're not supposed to socialised after eating onions :)

..i didn't completely read the article when i noticed something... one could talk to fellow passengers or the airport staff to make waiting less crappy. seems at this age people don't actually talk anymore. like face to face talk. you'd be surprised how time flies when you do :)

um, not coding coz i'm compiling always works for me :)

there is also (gasp!) the Spotlight Search by hitting cmd+space bar combo that does exactly that.

what would be best to work across OS X, Windows, unix, iOS?

well the only problem with apps like Evernote is you are forced to work according to their environment.. unlike a text file, it's very flexible and will work with YOUR own working environment.

one can be productive too and still have free time... it's all about working smart; not hard.

"..if you are comfortable with HTML/javascript!.." well i guess it'd be hard for the rest of us.

sure looks like a flux capacitor...

to each his own.. MYOB

no, no.. you don't do this on a pint of Guiness

great tip! but i would like to know how do you separate that transparent thingie that comes with the egg? they say it's the source of cholesterol and you should remove it.