
"People always want challenges"

Nope, no downsides to this at all.

You lacked discipline. :)

So, I've stayed out of the whole conversation on the merits of kickstarter up until now. For the most part, I have been pretty ambivalent towards it. I've backed a couple projects, one of which went very well (and plus I got a great backer reward), and one that I'm not so happy with. Whatever.

Getting this game on PC with custom soundtracks would be incredibly hard if not impossible. The main reason why is Amplitude's design: You can't play individual tracks of a song with a compressed MP3 because each audio track has been merged. Not to mention the whole other can of worms involving deals with record

Rock Band has lived out its usefulness, plus the controllers were for the most part junk. Dance Central was an okay execution of DDR minus a controller. Amplitude was a really damn good rhythm game, no frills, no stupid controllers (looking at you, Rock Band guitars), just really fun gameplay with a killer

On the one hand, Amplitude.

4,146 games under $10. And they're no better organized.

I've always pictured Steam like this.

you used to be able to, at least in the Gamecube version. There was a nice collection of NES games you could collect and actually play in your house.

Yesssss. You should be able to unearth old games and play them on the game console in your house.

If you'll all just look right here...

Hmmm, kinda pointless to make screenshots of 8k when most people (like myself) can't even see 4k because of our 1080p monitors. Lots of details loss in translation and stuff.

More post-apocalyptic settings should actually have colors besides grey and brown. This game looks amazing, and other games could. Sure, there is a place for games with dusty, colorless art, but it seems like it is far too common these days. Hopefully more will take a hint from The Last of Us and try to look good.

These stills don't show the end of the world, just the end of humanity.

Easily the most thought provoking, groundbreaking, genre bending, visually spectacular, expertly written, perfectly executed third person shooter about the zombie apocalypse ever conceived.

A bit ironic now that you mention it, but in this game the smell of mold is usually a very bad thing, as this is a world where spores tend to help make people into mindless, mushroom-sprouting-in-the-head zombies....