
That's a really nice fucking bathroom.

damn fucking straight, we do.

People...Romy & Michele came to Netflix 12/22. What more do you need??

I'm watching Blank Space again right now. I love everything about this song/video.

Keep on being weird, WI. I love a good thunderstorm. I also would love for Scott Walker to disappear, but whatever.

I am laughing so hard I just woke up my daughter. Holy hell I needed this after a day with family.

Any doubters that he's the biggest douchebag asshole now?

Have you watched Sherlock? It's really, really good. And he's phenomenal in it. I always thought he was hot, but after you binge-watch some Sherlock, he's just one big scarf gif, all hotness and perfection. And the VOICE. ugh. Watch some Sherlock and come on back and tell us what you think.

Yes, she was abused. She was 14 and unable to legally consent. My son is 14, extremely intelligent and mature and would still chose a diet of frozen pizza, Doritos, pop tarts and sprite if I let him. Eventually he would have major health problems. If I never gave him any healthy food or made him get his ass off the

so glad I'm not the only one.

these never get old. Ever. I'm gonna go watch Sherlock now. Bye.

Like when you're in a room with both Fitz and Jake, how do you not go "oh my god I am so dumb why did I not realize that this dude is just a uninteresting, whiny, narcissistic fucking dingleberry hanging off my ass and bringing me nothing good?" followed by...

Correction, Rebecca...THE BEST THING YOU'LL SEE ALL YEAR. I need a scarf gif.

I cannot stop laughing. This is exactly what popped in my head. Literal humor can sometimes be the best humor.

I mean come on.

I stared at the pic for a good 30 seconds and got really pissed at my leftover enchiladas sitting in front of me. And I love my leftover enchiladas.

Sitting in the grays on my couch in Green Bay, drowning my sorrows in cheap wine because that shitbag assface Walker is somehow STILL my fucking governor, and then this gem of a post appeared before me. Thank you. My crush on you just grew to a new level.

It's really all about the Fassbender, isn't it? Sweet christ, every inch of him is perfect.

I tried too.

Goddamn fucking shitbag bullshit asscrap. I voted for Burke. On behalf of my state, I am sorry. I don't know what the fuck just happened. This is why we can't have nice things.