
What are the odds that he would wear the same shirt while reporting with that one lady, and having his official portrait taken?

“because they comment on other dogs testicles at the dog park.”

Everything I read about her paints her as very mentally unstable. Her family was even aware she was potentially a threat. Exactly the sort of person you wouldn’t want to get their hands on a gun.

I don’t care the issue, I don’t care what side of the issue you’re on. If you use the term “Fake News” as part of your argument, you out yourself as a dumb motherfucker and a lemming.

Sean that’s just an intro paragraph

Counter-point: mCore processors in laptops are stupid and Apple should ax the macbook, add a handful of millimeters back to the body, a proper processor, and deliver a product that is both cheaper and more powerful. I don’t need my laptop thin enough to double as a cheese slicer, the macbook air has always been thin

In the current dell precision it is better, but still not as good as the apple touch pad. The worst part of 4K Win10 laptops is the godawful half-baked scaling. Some apps scale and some don’t, so things like webex are unusable, with menu bars and other elements just a millimeter or two high. You’d expect at least MS

And does it also wait for you? How long will everyone have to wait for that last guy at the pick up point before the driver says screw it?

Revised headline:

I don’t care if he flies business, but he has a history of making really wasteful travel decisions.

Am I supposed to be upset over this? It sounds to me like ESPN should have been smart enough not to trash one of their sponsors in a headline in the first place.

“rather than the hard-partying man-child Griffin had been prior to their cohabitation”

“Mentally ill person does mentally ill act.”

I don’t troll.

I can’t tell if you have pure intentions here or are trolling, but regardless of which it is, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t assign your imagined motivations to me.

There is no way that Tether has $2billion+ cash on hand

If I’m one of those tuba players, you go and play the “fat person walking” music as Trump walks away. That’s an opportunity you’ll never get again and one you’ll always regret not taking.

Consulting. Next question.

Every video is about its dang feature...this is the same through the DJI site. Can someone please just share a basic gimbal tracking shot in regular and 120fps? Just a video of its one basic feature would be nice, preferably with a iOS plus device. best.