
You're just a dick for swearing at it online. 9 times out of 10 you'll get your money back if you're not a temperamental asshole.

Only the second biggest Incognito douchebag in the NFL this year.

How about some nice airline stories? I have flown 1.6 million miles with American Airlines, because I live in the Dallas area. I have plenty of not nice stories, but here is a nice one:

Zolak: If you could have a superpower, what would that one superpower be?

The relationship can't be that rocky. Gizmodo did get an honorable mention in the Ipad Aid presentation. Seems like Apple was offering an olive branch.

That's a question for Tim Cook.

Easy hammer. Be gentle with the electronics they're prone to breaking lol.

These look like they were left on the dash of James Dolan's Datsun for the entire summer.

I bet these pigeons raise Mike Tysons.

New York may well be as amazing as all of its residents say. But I don't think I can take their word for it. I think they're just too far up their own asses about how important and amazing and quintessential and lifechanging their dingy fucking city really is.

I understand, we gots to get paid, def don't blame her for putting food on the table, but working for a company that endorses/parades (often) the subject matter of many of her critiques opens her to much criticism.

I'm not knocking her writing ability, and let's face it, she knows her pokemon, so she can't be all bad

I give Kotaku a lot of crap for drumming up sexism charges when it isn't warranted to get a little attention.

"This strange woman came by in a car and asked if I wanted any guns, but I said 'No ma'am, I'm all set.'"

NOPE, local game shop and friend. You're screwed.

As you wish (I apologize if this is really long, but I've never had a venue to explain these thoughts before). So I am pretty involved in the slot machine industry, which has always been viewed separately from the video game industry in many ways, though they have had some common roots for some time, especially with

case some one work on the in side and was seting thim free the guy is a mod on xbox360iso

Most rumors say it should stay under $400.

I get the feeling most gamers won't really notice the difference this gen until they get used to it, and then try going back again. Kind of like the people who didn't notice the quality jump from VHS to DVD until they were used to DVD and went back again to watch an old film.

This is fucking excellent.