
Are we expecting better deals around black friday?

Are we expecting better deals around black friday?


When will we come together as a country to end the scourge of punter on punter violence?

Hey - calm down. It will be OK and there’s no need to get so bent out of shape!  I have never had a kotaku review lead me astray, so I trust them.

Seriously what a heartbreaker.  I was looking forward to a fun gameplay loop with stuff to do.  I guess that’s the challenge with space shooters; they kind of are what they are?  

That’s not entirely true; it’s driven by money.. especially macro-level fashion trends.  Remember a few years ago everything was HERITAGE and BUY IT FOR LIFE and AUTHENTIC MATERIALS?  Raw denim, pure wool, natural fibers?  Now everything is moving towards ‘techwear’ and stuff with stretch and polyester?  It’s not a

Wait so google is going to flip a switch and topple oppressive foreign governments’ censored internet systems?  I cannot possibly see this happening. 

This whole saga is fascinating to me. Apple routinely makes some of the most impressive consumer hardware money can buy. This seems, to me as Joe Consumer, like something relatively easy to build. I have a $15 qi charger sitting on my desk that works just fine. Why not just stack a couple of these things side-by-side

Just chiming in, I have this laptop and absolutely love it.  Bought it on CL a few months ago for 12" and it still has applecare.

Just chiming in, I have this laptop and absolutely love it.  Bought it on CL a few months ago for 12" and it still

Small note on netflix - if you download videos in the USA on say, an ipad, and then go back on the app while connected to european wifi or cell data netflix will (accurately) determine you are in a different country and hold you to that country’s content.

Will Best Buy price match and take a GCU discount?  

Will Best Buy price match and take a GCU discount?  

Trump will destroy tesla with tariffs if they do that.  Won’t happen. 

I’ve been leery of anything dealing with power but these are first-party correct?  Not third party?  Does this really make a difference if I’m primarily playing in hand held mode?  Or is it more for docked mode when the controllers are disconnected?  Lastly; how do the grips feel if you have the controller

I’ve been leery of anything dealing with power but these are first-party correct?  Not third party?  Does this

Yeah throwing a clearly mentally ill person in prison for the rest of their lives is the smart, fiscally responsible thing to do. It’s not a liberal or a conservative thing, it’s a “what will actually help this person, and what won’t cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars” thing.

Well right, but that kind of proves my point.  The guy is very clearly mentally unfit and throwing him in prison isn’t going to rehabilitate him, or teach him a lesson, or really do anything but make him a burden on taxpayers for the rest of his life.  

This guy is clearly severely mentally ill, if not disabled.  Guaranteed he needs therapy not prison. 

Used is the way to go for budget purchases.  I just bought a 3 month old macbook 12" for $850, with applecare and everything else.  Yes a new model is coming out soon, but I have no doubt I will be able to sell this for $600 or so in a year to get whatever the latest and greatest is.

They always add this stuff so there’s that OLD GUYS KICK ASS TOO moment to appeal to the boomers. 

So the real sale was two days ago - this is the scraps and the prices are uniformly higher across the board  

So the real sale was two days ago - this is the scraps and the prices are uniformly higher across the board  

They’re still boring. I think the baseball is the only sport that really benefits when you’re only halfway paying attention. Either attend in a suite or watch at the free-flowing outfield bars that most MLB stadiums have now.