
That's a tremendous point actually.

That’s brutal. Hope you find someplace that may be more favorable soon! Good luck!

Lol at equating crunch time with a triple shift at a video game rental store.

Did you shoot this this week? I live in adams morgan and work on 17th and I. I am 100% sure I saw you drive by. We simply don’t get many astons in DC.

Last android phone I used as my daily driver was the Z5 compact. I sold it on craigslist for a pretty decent sum and switched to iphone. I tend to get bored of one platform and swap back and forth, but honestly I prefer iOS on phones. Google stuff has this tendency to feel like a beta, always. I love that peek at the

I’m predicting, based on every android phone review ever: Camera is good for still shots, shutter lag makes things blurry. Good at night but the lag makes it tough to get the right photo. With (manufacturer custom android skin), (manufacturer) comes closer than ever to parity with stock android! A few helpful

Are you kidding? The subject says ‘do not call this’, the entire article talks about why it’s a shitty sketchy idea. At that point if Joe Reader wants to submit him/herself to all this crap then by all means.

Yeah that’s kind of a biggie. Public schools in my city are pretty horrible. So I either try to get a scholarship or move to the burbs. But does getting home at 7PM every night in the face of a 2 hour commute make sense?

I’d live in the suburbs but from where I live (DC) the burbs aren’t any cheaper. At least if I’m spending 400k on a 1br in the city I can walk to my office.

“They’re pretty rowdy, independent, artistic. Don’t agree with authority too much. At Burning Man, clothing is optional,” Spencer said. “If you take that as a foundation and extend that out further in the controlled environment, then we have amazing characters, artwork and costumes.”

Controller support would be awesome plz

even having a sonic the hedgehog panel is irrefutable proof SXSW has jumped the shark.

That’s a fantastic point. I think that’s kind of an android thing; chock full of stuff no one uses in an effort to differentiate against iphone.

I’m not sure about the guy who says the PS4amanaia is going to run wild over the xbox this generation. If the rumors of a PS4.5 are true, and VR is another 400$ on top of that, then we’re talking about a major investment that a lot of people simply aren’t going to make.

It’s funny in the sense that SV is the exact opposite of Entourage, the last great HBO dudebro comedy. Every entourage episode was one step back, and then two gigantic, Kanye West private jet to Cannes leaps forward.

What would be really nice is a way to do this in a more seamless manner for business trips.


Is this it now? The uberization of movie theaters?

People like you are the problem with gaming. You make me hate reading the comments of blogs. It’s a human being who said something you don’t agree with about a hunk of plastic that plays video games. Said something YEARS ago. Let go of it; this stuff means absolutely nothing.

I need a browser to stream xfinity stuff. I also like a browser for flexibility of streaming whatever else, without an app.

I need a browser to stream xfinity stuff. I also like a browser for flexibility of streaming whatever else, without