
Wow. Great film giz. What is the soundtrack?


did you not read the comment literally one above yours?

Can it stream spotify off my iphone?

Lol what? Their pcs and software? How so?

With the way this whole next gen launch has proceeded I'd be shocked if half those emails weren't Sony fanboys. Same thing with ps4's blue light thing. Gamers' weird dedication to multi billion dollar companies blows my mind.

Fantastic review.

Because it's awesome. You must be super fun at parties!

We'd be happy for you to move to one of the 190ish other countries in the world you think are better!

So there's a ton of legitimate use for domestic drones in say - farming. If you own a shit pot full of land out in the middle of nowhere it's far easier to monitor property with a drone than a camera system or driving all over the place yourself.

Ah yes. "Sadly, there's currently no word on pricing, release dates, or international availability."

You're probably wearing your jeans too baggy. Just unsolicited feedback.

Protip, it's cold as hell outside in DC and I didn't want to walk to the liquor store for hot toddy-friendly booze. Vodka is flavorless boring liquor; it's perfect for mixing with whatever you have sitting around.

Protip, it's cold as hell outside in DC and I didn't want to walk to the liquor store for hot toddy-friendly booze. Vodka is flavorless boring liquor; it's perfect for mixing with whatever you have sitting around.

Literally the only yahoo! product I use is Answers, because for whatever reason they have the best / easiest answer to random shit. I.e. tonight I had a bottle of vodka and no idea what I should use with it to make a warm cocktail.

Hopefully you guys mend things soon. I can't imagine apple begrudges you guys from breaking a gigantic, huge story at their expense. If anything it just brought more eyeballs to their product. I think you guys are much bigger douchebags for the CES stunt a few years ago honestly, but I'm in the industry so I know

They literally sell two pairs of socks and a shirt. Some sportswear company? Neat product though.

no arcade fire does suck.

I've asked before but how long are you guys blacklisted from apple? Forever? Did the temporary traffic increase offset the fact you're reviewing this stuff after-the-fact? I read gizmodo regardless, so it doesn't really matter to me. Just curious!

How do you use a gun with PC?