

That is seriously so fucking cool I'd be running the men's short track a million times shorter if I knew a god damn space rock was up for grabs.

Right and there's no conceivable way that not having an app that boasts at least 90 million users (insta) is a downside to WP8 right? Grow up, stop being such a fanboy. If you take a passing glance at windows phone enthusiast sites you'll see the Facebook message and 'other storage' bugs popping up time and time

Any updates?

I own a samsung focus. I subscribe to r/windowsphone on reddit and read about the OS every day. The laggy Facebook messenger bug is a very well publicized thing on WP8. And the lack of apps is self evident.

No one prefers to not have an Instagram or snapchat client. they don't prefer laggy Facebook messenger. unfortunately it's kind of how WP8 goes.

HA perfect! I knew you guys left the gawker media dungeon once in a while!

All I want to see is how this thing performs at say, a dark bar. I know you guys hang out with assassin's creed toys but I just want something fantastic for average late night photos!

Joerg's shirt is fantastic!

eh. Winter sale perhaps

New Vegas ultimate at 5$ is a pretty solid price. I'm buying it to tide me over until Skyrim Legendary drops in price a bit.

Tame impala? Meh. Cool video though.

What am I waiting for? haswell.

You must be fun at parties!

Microsoft's PR team should be decimated. I cannot believe how badly they have fucked up win8 AND the xbone's product launch.

You can't buy new games for a penny. It isn't how the world works. People make typos. You can bitch and say you'll never shop there and all that but it doesn't matter. It's entitled bullshit to think best buy will sell you a new game for .01$.

My favorite thing about gamers is when best buy eventually cancels these orders they will start bitching about how best buy OWES THEM and will threaten class action lawsuits and all that.

I see Gergo is from the buzzfeed '20 CORGI GIFS' school of reporting!

Yes it's definitely too bad bank of america can't verify via a twitter username who is an account holder of theirs.

Not to the extent ikea does. They have a shell 'philanthropy' set up among other things. It's ridiculously shady.