
They've been reviewing bongs since I began reading the site years ago. Sorry broseph.

Another old TV guy died recently. Gawker did their typical pithy obituary on the first dude and since we're all young enough to not care they went the mad libs route on numero dos. If you ignore the throwaway ryan seacrest joke it's actually a brilliant-ish take on how generic obituaries can be, and it's

it gets better. but seriously though you should probably talk to someone about that - being shot in the eye with any sort of projectile would be ample cause to get someone expelled from a rational school.

Are you shitting me man? Giz posts music they think you might like. Netflix-streamable movies you missed and they think you might enjoy. Ignore it if you want (I usually do), find a random cool movie if you are looking for that.

Fez is fantastic. It's a wonderful, beautiful game. It's also way too smart for me. I sat down, played for about 6 hours and got to the point where I had no idea what the hell the squiggles were, didn't want to 'cheat' and look them up, and was too lazy to write them down and transcribe them myself. Again,

Right. I'm perceiving this as a "say we sold out in record time, not release how many units that entails" type thing... but maybe we'll get lucky and they actually are KILLING IT. That would be awesome if it were the case.

Right. I don't mean this in a "she was dressed provocatively, she was ASKING FOR IT" way.. but don't show up in a skimpy outfit to a convention full of people who have been historically stereotyped as (at best) super awkward, and (at worst) gigantic creeps.

You're definitely a well adjusted normal member of society. Thanks for that!

Great article

Great video. I love the way it was shot. Giz did you guys do this? Hope you keep it up.. the worst part about blogs are blogger voices on podcasts and demo videos.

Oh neat, they're in DC. Georgetown waterfront and one of our token homeless people!

I'm pretty sure backflip kid's dad hates him.

Lol security of the video. Yup, there's a cabal of hackers that want to see grainy footage of a raisin looking baby roll around a crib.

no. clip ons for glasses are not a good look ever.

That's how you start to grow this loose assortment of blogs in to 'communities', without becoming ridiculous like reddit, overly cliquey like a forum or as pointlessly vitriolic as most anonymous (or semi anon) comments tend to be.

It's been the stoner channel for weeks(?) now, they aren't getting rid of it. It's just going to be one of those quirky gizmodo idiosyncrasies that will drive pageviews. I thought it was stupid at first but even as a non-stoner some of the videos are funny and some of the commenters are sort of dumb. So, lols all

Well, the review basically lays it out. It is an absolutely fantastic piece of hardware, but WP7 just doesn't have the traction at this point. Which is really really really fucking frustrating because android is a jumbled mess and I think most techies are bored with iOS at this point. I bought a samsung focus

I'm not expecting anything, just saying it's sort of a stupid thing to be angry about.

OK, so publishers will just start making people download DLC even if it was planned from day 1.

where at? I live in DC